Delete all messages on apple watch

Has anyone felt like messaging slows down the quick actions the Apple Watch was meant to have? There isn't a delete all function, nor is there a function that creates continuity between your phone and watch when you delete messages. I would like for them to be erased from all of my devices when I delete from either SOURCE. Instead I get the exhausted arm holding it up for ten minutes deleting messages . At least make this optional!!!!!

I coudn't agree more. I put it in a suggestion with watchOS 2.0 and it was closed. It would be great to have a sync between iOS and watchOS when it came to messages. Delete on one, it deletes on the other. How hard could that be?

Messages don't actually exist on your Watch. They are on the iPhone. In fact, you won't even

get them unless you are on a previously known WiFi network to both the watch and phone. Or

the iPhone is within range. Want proof? Turn you iPhone off. Open messages.

You do know iCloud comes into play here right?

Try this series of steps out and let me know what you find:

  • Receive a message from somone one which shows up on your Mac, iPhone & iWatch (proves iCloud is working).
  • Delete the message on your iPhone. This will have NO affect on your iWatch or your Mac.

    if it does, please send me the setting I can't find to do this.


  • Receive a message from somone one which shows up on your Mac, iPhone & iWatch (proves iCloud is working).
  • Delete the message on your iWatrch. This will have NO affect on your iPhone or Mac.


  • Receive a message from somone one which shows up on your Mac, iPhone & iWatch (proves iCloud is working).
  • Delete the message on your Mac. This will have NO affect on your iWatch or Mac.

I have tried all these steps numorous times with the same results. There doesn't appear to be a direct connection between the three environments when it comes to text or iMessages. I do see the proper results with other Apple apps (e.g. Notes, Photos, Contacts, Reminders, etc). As I wrote before, if there is a setting to enable this across the platforms, please let me know as I just can't find it.

With verson 2.0 of the WatchOS, I noticed that even though I set my iCloud account to delete messages after 30 days, they would remain past that time on my iWatch. I am waiting to see if they fixed this in WatchOS 3.0

Not a bug cause it's not a feature.

I filed an ER early 2.0 beta days regarding how tedious it was/is to maintain messages on the Watch. It was almost immediately declined. I don't understand why it's so easy to delete a mail message, but such a challenge to delete a text/iMessage.

Apple, FTW.

I opened my report on 20-July-2015. On 25-July-2015 it was closed and listed as a duplicate of 20500139 which is still listed as "open"

I've also had postings get closed also with the claim of being a duplicate! This one is really a fix I'd love to have fixed sooner rather than two more OS upgrades. Even a toggle to stop messages going to the watch completely.

What? How did you come up with that?

Of course they do, a copy is stored on your watch... simple to prove: Get messages on your watch, next turn off the phone - and guess what? You can still see these messages on your watch!

What you probably heared and got confused with was, that the apple watch cannot connect directly to services and download content, it requries to tether to the iPhone / known WiFi in order to connect. But once connected, messages are stored on the watch itself.

Extremely painful Apple. A simple fix for you to sort. I use apple because of synchronization between devices. Deleting a million messages on my watch is not fun

This needs to be fixed. It is really annoying. Even if they gave me a “delete all” on the watch I’d be happy.

I'm in IT and get dozens of messages from automated systems every day. Hard to believe we've been waiting for this for over 6 years. After upgrading to new Apple Watches over the years, this one little annoyance makes me wonder why I bother when other watches are starting to do the little things better. I literally do a full reset on my watch to purge my messages.

Hi all, I found a way to delete multiple emails (sorry but doesn't work with text messages in the messages app) and this way also syncs you mailbox from watch to iphone and vice versa.

first of all ensure all the mail on your iphone is up-to date and these are the emails you want to see on your watch. Then open mail app on watch, scroll to the bottom of all inboxes to find edit, tap edit and then untick the mailbox you want to sync and then the watch will either re-tick automatically or you have to tap to re-tick that mailbox. once this is done just come back out of that screen and check your inbox, it will now only show the emails currently in that said inbox as your iphone!

Hope this helps

Delete all messages on apple watch