os3 beta 2 bricked iWatch

Install looked fine but upon reboot, the watch is bricked with red exclamation point. Hard reset does not work.

i tried to install it at 01:38 UK time but it comes up as unable to install update, do you think apple has pulled the update to fix the bricking problem?

Mine also appears bricked. After updating it just hangs on the white Apple logo screen. A hard reset just brings me back to the same screen.

Follow up....

After about 15 min. on the phone with an Apple Developer Support rep, then another 5 min. with a senior Apple Developer Support rep...who stayed on the line with me as they sent me over to Apple Customer Support...Apple is repairing the watch at no cost.

The key was to get someone in Apple Developer Support (senior level) who'll help you and send you over to Apple Customer Support to arrange for the free repair.

BTW...this was my first ever bad experience with installing a beta so I guess I was about due.

installed no issues

This beta was only for Apple Watch, installing on iWatch was probably the problem 😝 Glad they're taking care of you.

I think i have the same issue but unpairing the watch in my iPhone solved this. Can you test this ?

Where can I find the number for dev support?


I got the same issue.

My Watch works fine for about one day, today I have shut down the watch gracefully.

Since that moment I am unable to boot up my watch again... it hangs on the Apple Logo.

Hard reset will not work.

Any news?

thanks Jo!

Mine hangs at Apple logo as well. I just left it, after about an hour and half it came to life. Also having battery issues.


also a follow up...:

I have contact the Apple Support Hotline and have created a Bug Report.

I´ve add the number to my official Ticket at the Support Hotline.

I have spoken with a Senior Technical Engineer and I have to send my Watch in.

They will repair it without any costs.

But: The beta2 looks for me very instable and I am very afraid to resume the development with betas on my watch.

What if it occurs again?

Must I every time send in my watch in this case?? I think thats not cool...

I´ve never seen such issues before.

What do you think about that?

At the moment I haven´t get any updates on the Bug Report.

Greets JO

Like many of you, my AW was stuck on the Apple Logo. What worked for me was unpairing my watch and repairing. The other major issue I'm having with WOS3 Beta 2 now, is Watch likes to lock up after charging. Luckily a reboot unlocks it...

Just the same for me for two Apple Watches! The reset is a complete disaster, actually made from AW a brick!

Unpair and repair cycle is working but after several time it is even failed and the watch is total brick!

It's a shame on Apple for this beta!!!

os3 beta 2 bricked iWatch