New location of plugins now that /System is protected

Now that /System is protected, where do we store 3rd-party plugins that were previously storable in /System/CoreServices/Applications/Directory

The WWDC session "Security and Your Apps" indicates that they should be stored in /Library or other supported locations. Where is the supported location for Directory PlugIns?



Answered by tartempion in 17219022

"/Library/Application Support/Directory Utility/PlugIns/"

In addition to the built in PlugIns, the El Capitan version also checks the above location, at least on Beta 2.

I didn't know that Directory Utility had a plug-in architecture. Where's the documentation for that?

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"

Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware


The documentation is fairly old, but this has been supported all the way up to 10.10, with the caveat that the plug-in be placed in the appropriate PlugIns folder within Directory Utility/

Wow, can't believe I didn't know about that. Thanks for setting me straight.

You should file a bug about this ASAP, then post the bug number here.

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + ""
Accepted Answer

"/Library/Application Support/Directory Utility/PlugIns/"

In addition to the built in PlugIns, the El Capitan version also checks the above location, at least on Beta 2.

Our ADmitMac plugin actually still works, when placed in "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Directory".

Our radar:21558108 "10.11 (15A204h) El Capitan closed to 3rd party plugins" requests that this path and "/System/Library/Filesystems/NetFSPlugins" be opened back up, since disabling System Integrity Protection was needed to get our plugin installed.

Sorry for muddying the waters with including 2 paths in one radar, but I thought of it as a general issue of plugins being disallowed. If mattd does not file your suggested radar, I'd be willing to do a more focused one.

"/Library/Application Support/Directory Utility/PlugIns/"

I've just tested this path, and it works for us!

Where did you find this path?

Even though I used another more advanced tool to figure this out, the path can be found with:

$ /usr/bin/strings "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Directory Utility"

when run on El Capitan.

It should be noted for future reference that this path does not exist by default. Your installer will need to create the "Directory Utility/PlugIns" path components.

New location of plugins now that /System is protected