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Secure the data your app manages and control access to your app using the Security framework.

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Security Resources
General: Apple Platform Security support document Security Overview Cryptography: DevForums tags: Security, Apple CryptoKit Security framework documentation Apple CryptoKit framework documentation Common Crypto man pages — For the full list of pages, run: % man -k 3cc For more information about man pages, see Reading UNIX Manual Pages. On Cryptographic Key Formats DevForums post SecItem attributes for keys DevForums post CryptoCompatibility sample code Keychain: DevForums tags: Security Security > Keychain Items documentation TN3137 On Mac keychain APIs and implementations SecItem Fundamentals DevForums post SecItem Pitfalls and Best Practices DevForums post Investigating hard-to-reproduce keychain problems DevForums post Smart cards and other secure tokens: DevForums tag: CryptoTokenKit CryptoTokenKit framework documentation Mac-specific resources: DevForums tags: Security Foundation, Security Interface Security Foundation framework documentation Security Interface framework documentation BSD Privilege Escalation on macOS Related: Networking Resources — This covers high-level network security, including HTTPS and TLS. Network Extension Resources — This covers low-level network security, including VPN and content filters. Code Signing Resources Notarisation Resources Trusted Execution Resources — This includes Gatekeeper. App Sandbox Resources Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Jan ’25
SecItem: Fundamentals
I regularly help developers with keychain problems, both here on DevForums and for my Day Job™ in DTS. Many of these problems are caused by a fundamental misunderstanding of how the keychain works. This post is my attempt to explain that. I wrote it primarily so that Future Quinn™ can direct folks here rather than explain everything from scratch (-: If you have questions or comments about any of this, put them in a new thread and apply the Security tag so that I see it. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" SecItem: Fundamentals or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the SecItem API The SecItem API seems very simple. After all, it only has four function calls, how hard can it be? In reality, things are not that easy. Various factors contribute to making this API much trickier than it might seem at first glance. This post explains the fundamental underpinnings of the keychain. For information about specific issues, see its companion post, SecItem: Pitfalls and Best Practices. Keychain Documentation Your basic starting point should be Keychain Items. If your code runs on the Mac, also read TN3137 On Mac keychain APIs and implementations. Read the doc comments in <Security/SecItem.h>. In many cases those doc comments contain critical tidbits. When you read keychain documentation [1] and doc comments, keep in mind that statements specific to iOS typically apply to iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS as well (r. 102786959). Also, they typically apply to macOS when you target the data protection keychain. Conversely, statements specific to macOS may not apply when you target the data protection keychain. [1] Except TN3137, which is very clear about this (-: Caveat Mac Developer macOS supports two different implementations: the original file-based keychain and the iOS-style data protection keychain. If you’re able to use the data protection keychain, do so. It’ll make your life easier. TN3137 On Mac keychain APIs and implementations explains this distinction in depth. The Four Freedoms^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Functions The SecItem API contains just four functions: SecItemAdd(_:_:) SecItemCopyMatching(_:_:) SecItemUpdate(_:_:) SecItemDelete(_:) These directly map to standard SQL database operations: SecItemAdd(_:_:) maps to INSERT. SecItemCopyMatching(_:_:) maps to SELECT. SecItemUpdate(_:_:) maps to UPDATE. SecItemDelete(_:) maps to DELETE. You can think of each keychain item class (generic password, certificate, and so on) as a separate SQL table within the database. The rows of that table are the individual keychain items for that class and the columns are the attributes of those items. Note Except for the digital identity class, kSecClassIdentity, where the values are split across the certificate and key tables. See Digital Identities Aren’t Real in SecItem: Pitfalls and Best Practices. This is not an accident. The data protection keychain is actually implemented as an SQLite database. If you’re curious about its structure, examine it on the Mac by pointing your favourite SQLite inspection tool — for example, the sqlite3 command-line tool — at the keychain database in ~/Library/Keychains/UUU/keychain-2.db, where UUU is a UUID. WARNING Do not depend on the location and structure of this file. These have changed in the past and are likely to change again in the future. If you embed knowledge of them into a shipping product, it’s likely that your product will have binary compatibility problems at some point in the future. The only reason I’m mentioning them here is because I find it helpful to poke around in the file to get a better understanding of how the API works. For information about which attributes are supported by each keychain item class — that is, what columns are in each table — see the Note box at the top of Item Attribute Keys and Values. Alternatively, look at the Attribute Key Constants doc comment in <Security/SecItem.h>. Uniqueness A critical part of the keychain model is uniqueness. How does the keychain determine if item A is the same as item B? It turns out that this is class dependent. For each keychain item class there is a set of attributes that form the uniqueness constraint for items of that class. That is, if you try to add item A where all of its attributes are the same as item B, the add fails with errSecDuplicateItem. For more information, see the errSecDuplicateItem page. It has lists of attributes that make up this uniqueness constraint, one for each class. These uniqueness constraints are a major source of confusion, as discussed in the Queries and the Uniqueness Constraints section of SecItem: Pitfalls and Best Practices. Parameter Blocks Understanding The SecItem API is a classic ‘parameter block’ API. All of its inputs are dictionaries, and you have to know which properties to set in each dictionary to achieve your desired result. Likewise for when you read properties in output dictionaries. There are five different property groups: The item class property, kSecClass, determines the class of item you’re operating on: kSecClassGenericPassword, kSecClassCertificate, and so on. The item attribute properties, like kSecAttrAccessGroup, map directly to keychain item attributes. The search properties, like kSecMatchLimit, control how the system runs a query. The return type properties, like kSecReturnAttributes, determine what values the query returns. The value type properties, like kSecValueRef perform multiple duties, as explained below. There are other properties that perform a variety of specific functions. For example, kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain tells macOS to use the data protection keychain instead of the file-based keychain. These properties are hard to describe in general; for the details, see the documentation for each such property. Inputs Each of the four SecItem functions take dictionary input parameters of the same type, CFDictionary, but these dictionaries are not the same. Different dictionaries support different property groups: The first parameter of SecItemAdd(_:_:) is an add dictionary. It supports all property groups except the search properties. The first parameter of SecItemCopyMatching(_:_:) is a query and return dictionary. It supports all property groups. The first parameter of SecItemUpdate(_:_:) is a pure query dictionary. It supports all property groups except the return type properties. Likewise for the only parameter of SecItemDelete(_:). The second parameter of SecItemUpdate(_:_:) is an update dictionary. It supports the item attribute and value type property groups. Outputs Two of the SecItem functions, SecItemAdd(_:_:) and SecItemCopyMatching(_:_:), return values. These output parameters are of type CFTypeRef because the type of value you get back depends on the return type properties you supply in the input dictionary: If you supply a single return type property, except kSecReturnAttributes, you get back a value appropriate for that return type. If you supply multiple return type properties or kSecReturnAttributes, you get back a dictionary. This supports the item attribute and value type property groups. To get a non-attribute value from this dictionary, use the value type property that corresponds to its return type property. For example, if you set kSecReturnPersistentRef in the input dictionary, use kSecValuePersistentRef to get the persistent reference from the output dictionary. In the single item case, the type of value you get back depends on the return type property and the keychain item class: For kSecReturnData you get back the keychain item’s data. This makes most sense for password items, where the data holds the password. It also works for certificate items, where you get back the DER-encoded certificate. Using this for key items is kinda sketchy. If you want to export a key, called SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation. Using this for digital identity items is nonsensical. For kSecReturnRef you get back an object reference. This only works for keychain item classes that have an object representation, namely certificates, keys, and digital identities. You get back a SecCertificate, a SecKey, or a SecIdentity, respectively. For kSecReturnPersistentRef you get back a data value that holds the persistent reference. Value Type Subtleties There are three properties in the value type property group: kSecValueData kSecValueRef kSecValuePersistentRef Their semantics vary based on the dictionary type. For kSecValueData: In an add dictionary, this is the value of the item to add. For example, when adding a generic password item (kSecClassGenericPassword), the value of this key is a Data value containing the password. This is not supported in a query dictionary. In an update dictionary, this is the new value for the item. For kSecValueRef: In add and query dictionaries, the system infers the class property and attribute properties from the supplied object. For example, if you supply a certificate object (SecCertificate, created using SecCertificateCreateWithData), the system will infer a kSecClass value of kSecClassCertificate and various attribute values, like kSecAttrSerialNumber, from that certificate object. This is not supported in an update dictionary. For kSecValuePersistentRef: For query dictionaries, this uniquely identifies the item to operate on. This is not supported in add and update dictionaries. Revision History 2023-09-12 Fixed various bugs in the revision history. Added a paragraph explaining how to determine which attributes are supported by each keychain item class. 2023-02-22 Made minor editorial changes. 2023-01-28 First posted.
Jan ’25
setCodeSigningRequirement seems not to work in new Service Management API setup.
I have developed a sample app following the example found Updating your app package installer to use the new Service Management API and referring this discussion on XPC Security. The app is working fine, I have used Swift NSXPCConnection in favour of xpc_connection_create_mach_service used in the example. (I am running app directly from Xcode) I am trying to set up security requirements for the client connection using setCodeSigningRequirement on the connection instance. But it fails for even basic requirement connection.setCodeSigningRequirement("anchor apple"). Error is as follows. cannot open file at line 46986 of [554764a6e7] os_unix.c:46986: (0) open(/private/var/db/DetachedSignatures) - Undefined error: 0 xpc_support_check_token: anchor apple error: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67050 "(null)" status: -67050 I have used codesign -d --verbose=4 /path/to/executable to check the attributes I do get them in the terminal. Other way round, I have tried XPC service provider sending back process id (pid) with each request, and I am probing this id to get attributes using this code which gives all the details. func inspectCodeSignature(ofPIDString pidString: String) { guard let pid = pid_t(pidString) else { print("Invalid PID string: \(pidString)") return } let attributes = [kSecGuestAttributePid: pid] as CFDictionary var codeRef: SecCode? let status = SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes(nil, attributes, [], &codeRef) guard status == errSecSuccess, let code = codeRef else { print("Failed to get SecCode for PID \(pid) (status: \(status))") return } var staticCode: SecStaticCode? let staticStatus = SecCodeCopyStaticCode(code, [], &staticCode) guard staticStatus == errSecSuccess, let staticCodeRef = staticCode else { print("Failed to get SecStaticCode (status: \(staticStatus))") return } var infoDict: CFDictionary? if SecCodeCopySigningInformation(staticCodeRef, SecCSFlags(rawValue: kSecCSSigningInformation), &infoDict) == errSecSuccess, let info = infoDict as? [String: Any] { print("🔍 Code Signing Info for PID \(pid):") print("• Identifier: \(info["identifier"] ?? "N/A")") print("• Team ID: \(info["teamid"] ?? "N/A")") if let entitlements = info["entitlements-dict"] as? [String: Any] { print("• Entitlements:") for (key, value) in entitlements { print(" - \(key): \(value)") } } } else { print("Failed to retrieve signing information.") } var requirement: SecRequirement? if SecRequirementCreateWithString("anchor apple" as CFString, [], &requirement) == errSecSuccess, let req = requirement { let result = SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(staticCodeRef, [], req) if result == errSecSuccess { print("Signature is trusted (anchor apple)") } else { print("Signature is NOT trusted by Apple (failed anchor check)") } } var infoDict1: CFDictionary? let signingStatus = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(staticCodeRef, SecCSFlags(rawValue: kSecCSSigningInformation), &infoDict1) guard signingStatus == errSecSuccess, let info = infoDict1 as? [String: Any] else { print("Failed to retrieve signing information.") return } print("🔍 Signing Info for PID \(pid):") for (key, value) in info.sorted(by: { $0.key < $1.key }) { print("• \(key): \(value)") } } If connection.setCodeSigningRequirement does not works I plan to use above logic as backup. Q: Please advise is there some setting required to be enabled or I have to sign code with some flags enabled. Note: My app is not running in a Sandbox or Hardened Runtime, which I want.
Issue with record.changePassword Clearing Keychain Information Hello,
I am developing a sample authorization plugin to sync the user’s local password to the network password. During the process, I prompt the user to enter both their old and new passwords in custom plugin. After the user enters the information, I use the following code to sync the passwords: try record.changePassword(oldPssword, toPassword: newPassword) However, I have noticed that this is clearing all saved keychain information, such as web passwords and certificates. Is it expected behavior for record.changePassword to clear previously stored keychain data? If so, how can I overcome this issue and ensure the keychain information is preserved while syncing the password? Thank you for your help!
Protecting XPC service when called from Authorisation Plugin
I have Authorisation Plugin which talks using XPC to my Launch Daemon to perform privileged actions. I want to protect my XPC service narrowing it to be called from known trusted clients. Now since I want authorisation plugin code which is from apple to call my service, I cannot use my own team id or app group here. I am currently banking on following properties of client connection. Apple Team ID : EQHXZ8M8AV Bundle ID starting with Client signature verified By Apple. This is what I have come up with. func isClientTrusted(connection: NSXPCConnection) -> Bool { let clientPID = connection.processIdentifier logInfo("🔍 Checking XPC Client - PID: \(clientPID)") var secCode: SecCode? var secStaticCode: SecStaticCode? let attributes = [kSecGuestAttributePid: clientPID] as NSDictionary let status = SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes(nil, attributes, [], &secCode) guard status == errSecSuccess, let code = secCode else { logInfo("Failed to get SecCode for PID \(clientPID)") return false } let staticStatus = SecCodeCopyStaticCode(code, [], &secStaticCode) guard staticStatus == errSecSuccess, let staticCode = secStaticCode else { logInfo("Failed to get SecStaticCode") return false } var signingInfo: CFDictionary? let signingStatus = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(staticCode, SecCSFlags(rawValue: kSecCSSigningInformation), &signingInfo) guard signingStatus == errSecSuccess, let info = signingInfo as? [String: Any] else { logInfo("Failed to retrieve signing info") return false } // Extract and Verify Team ID if let teamID = info["teamid"] as? String { logInfo("XPC Client Team ID: \(teamID)") if teamID != "EQHXZ8M8AV" { // Apple's official Team ID logInfo("Client is NOT signed by Apple") return false } } else { logInfo("Failed to retrieve Team ID") return false } // Verify Bundle ID Starts with "" if let bundleID = info["identifier"] as? String { logInfo("XPC Client Bundle ID: \(bundleID)") if !bundleID.hasPrefix("") { logInfo("Client is NOT an Apple system process") return false } } else { logInfo("Failed to retrieve Bundle Identifier") return false } // Verify Apple Code Signature Trust var trustRequirement: SecRequirement? let trustStatus = SecRequirementCreateWithString("anchor apple" as CFString, [], &trustRequirement) guard trustStatus == errSecSuccess, let trust = trustRequirement else { logInfo("Failed to create trust requirement") return false } let verifyStatus = SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(staticCode, [], trust) if verifyStatus != errSecSuccess { logInfo("Client's signature is NOT trusted by Apple") return false } logInfo("Client is fully verified as Apple-trusted") return true } Q: Just wanted community feedback, is this correct approach?
MacOS Authorisation Plugin Installation Strategy
I am developing an Authorisation Plugin which talks to Launch daemons over XPC. Above is working neat, now I have to decide on how to get it installed on a machine. Installation requires. Plugin Installation Launch Daemon Installation Both require Moving binary and text (.plist) file into privileged system managed directory. Firing install/load commands as root (sudo). I have referred this post BSD Privilege Escalation on macOS, but I am still not clear how to approach this. Q: My requirement is: I can use .pkg builder and install via script, however I have some initialisation task that needs to be performed. User will enter some details talk to a remote server and get some keys, all goes well restarts the system and my authorisation plugin will welcome him and get him started. If I cannot perform initialisation I will have to do it post restart on login screen which I want to avoid if possible. I tried unconventional way of using AppleScript from a SwiftUI application to run privileged commands, I am fine if it prompts for admin credentials, but it did not work. I don't want that I do something and when approving it from Apple it gets rejected. Basically, how can I provide some GUI to do initialisation during installation or may be an app which helps in this. Q: Please also guide if I am doing elevated actions, how will it affect app distribution mechanism. In Read Me for EvenBetterAuthorizationSample I read it does. Thanks.
Strong Passwords with SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags
Hi everyone, I’ve been working on storing keys and passwords in the macOS Keychain using the Keychain Services API. Specifically, I’m leveraging SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags to bind items to access control flags, and overall, it’s been working smoothly. I have a question regarding the .applicationPassword flag of SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags. While it successfully prompts the user to input a password, there are no apparent password rules, even a simple “1” is accepted. My questions are: Is there a way to enforce strong password requirements when using the .applicationPassword flag? If enforcing strong passwords isn’t possible, is there an alternative approach to provide a predefined strong password during the creation process, bypassing the need for user input? With SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags, I noticed the item isn’t stored in the traditional file-based Keychain but in an iOS-style Keychain, is there a way to store it in a file-based Keychain while marking it as unexportable? I appreciate any insights or suggestions. Thank you! Neil
SecTrustEvaluateAsyncWithError keeps complaining “'DigiCert Global Root G3' certificate is not trusted" with self signed CA on iOS
I created a self signed CA and use it to generate/sign a client cert using openssl. Then I use the self signed client cert to do TLS client authentication with my server (which also uses the self signed CA). The issue I have is when I validate the self signed CA, by calling SecTrustEvaluateAsyncWithError, it always complains this error “'DigiCert Global Root G3' certificate is not trusted". However that CA (DigiCert Global Root G3) is not my self signed CA (my CA is 'MQTTSampleCA' and I attached a dump of the my CA cert in the PR in the end of this post), so I'm confused why the API keeps complaining that CA. After some researching, I see that is a well known CA so I download its cert from, install and trust it on my iOS device, but that doesn't help and I still get the same error. I provide all the repro steps in this PR:, including how I generate the certs and the source codes of a test app that I used to do cert validation. I appreciate if anyone can share insights how to resolve this error.
WebView-Based Authentication in macOS Authorization Plugin
I am developing an Authorization plugin for macOS that should be invoked when a user unlocks their device from the lock screen. Based on advice from the other threads in these forums, I have understood that: The plugin needs to use SFAuthorizationPluginView The auth db entries to modify are system.login.screensaver and authenticate I found the NameAndPassword sample and after making some tweaks to it was able to get it to work from screensaver unlock. I am trying to add Webview-based authentication to the plugin, but have not had any success. The plugin window's width does not change (though the height does) and only a small portion of the HTML gets rendered. Is Webview-based authentication supported with SFAuthorizationPluginView? Are there any alternatives?
MacOS Authorsation Plugin and Protected System Keychain Entry.
I am developing a MacOS Authorisation Plugin, I have username and password entry items and utilising SFAuthorizationPluginView to display that. I am able to do so. Requirement is I have to store ed25519 private key in PEM format in System Keychain as I need to read this entry before login to sign a request to a remote server. I only want my authorisation plugin to access this private key in System Keychain. I am looking up resources on the internet but I could not find specific to macOS Authorisation plugin, many are specific to iOS and some point at using entitlements and app group, but I doubt that applies to macOS authorisation plugin. I'll really appreciate if some pointers are shared how can I store a private credential in System Keychain so that it can be used by only my plugin only, and this is before I have logged into the system.
Boost ***** 1.86.0 on iOS 18.3.1 connection times out
We use Boost ***** (1.86.0) for WebSockets in an iOS application using a self-signed certificate. The ***** WebSocket client works fine on iOS 18.1 and every other OS (Windows, Android, Linux, etc...) but not iOS 18.3.1 and possibly versions before 18.3.1 but later than iOS 18.1. Has anyone else ran into this issue and how did you resolve? What could have changed after iOS 18.1 that would prevent a WSS Websocket from connecting that works fine on iOS 18.1?
Does SecTrustEvaluateWithError validates External Reference Identifiers?
Trying to validate external reference identifiers with SecTrustEvaluateWithError Method by setting reference Ids to SecPolicyCreateSSL() & SecPolicyCreateWithProperties() But two concerns are - Validates for correct reference IDs but gives error for combination of wrong & correct reference Ids 398 days validity works mandatorily before reference Ids check. Is there any other to validate external reference Ids?, which give flexibility To pass multiple combinations of reference IDs string (wrong, correct, IP, DNS) To validate reference ID without days validity of 398. Please suggest. Any help here is highly appreciated.
iOS Screenshot prevention Whatsapp
It has been asked several times in the forum, but apple has always maintained that screenshot capture prevention is not supported, how is it that whatsapp and several financial apps are doing it, if screenshot capturing is not possible, its not DRM, is it the adding of a secured text as a layer on to the uiview layer? how have they designed a custom screen if that is the case? Also how is it getting approved by apple! If detection of airplay is possible and can be suppressed, why not screenshot?
I'm trying to use a keychain-access-group and failing
This is on macOS, not iOS. Not sure if that should make a difference? I have a GUI app and a command line tool (that will run a daemon) that I need to share credentials between. The keys/certs will be stored using the GUI app. But, both tools need to utilize them. guard let accessControl = SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags( nil, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly, [.privateKeyUsage], nil ) else { throw KeychainCertError.keychainError(errSecAuthFailed, "Failed to create access control for private key") } // Define Key Pair Attributes let privateKeyAttributes: [String: Any] = [ kSecAttrIsPermanent as String: true, kSecAttrApplicationTag as String: .utf8)!, kSecAttrLabel as String: privateLabel, // kSecAttrAccessControl as String: accessControl, kSecAttrAccessGroup as String: keychainAccessGroup ] With the kSecAttrAccessControl commented out, I am able to generate a private key and generate a self signed certificate that is stored on the user login keychain. If I uncomment that line, I get an error to the affect of "Keychain error (-26275): Failed to generate key pair: A required entitlement isn't present" Also, to share the credentials, don't they need to be NOT on the user keychain for the daemon to access them? Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I think I'm a bit over my head here with the the security, crypto kit and openssl. 😁
Enable iCloud Keychain Autofill & Touch ID support for Chromium-based browsers on macOS
Hello Apple Developer Team, I would love to see iCloud Keychain Autofill and Touch ID support extended to Chromium-based browsers on macOS (such as Ecosia, Brave, or Vivaldi). Currently, Safari allows autofill of passwords using Touch ID, but when using other browsers, I have to manually copy-paste credentials from Keychain Access, which is time-consuming. Would it be possible for Apple to provide an API or framework that allows non-WebKit browsers to integrate iCloud Keychain autofill while keeping security intact? This feature would make macOS more convenient for users who prefer alternative browsers while keeping security standards high. Thanks in advance for considering this! Best regards, Kilian
802.1X authentication using certificates in the data protection keychain
Can you please give me a hand with importing certificates under MacOS? I want to connect to Wi-Fi with 802.1X authentication (EAP-TLS) using a certificate that my homebrew application imported into my data protection keychain, but the imported certificate does not show up and I cannot select the certificate. It also does not show up in the Keychain Access app. One method I have tried is to import it into the data protection keychain by using the SecItemAdd function and setting kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain to true, but it does not work. Is there a better way to do this? ID: for id in identities { let identityParams: [String: Any] = [ kSecValueRef as String: id, kSecReturnPersistentRef as String: true, kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain as String: true ] let addIdentityStatus = SecItemAdd(identityParams as CFDictionary, nil) if addIdentityStatus == errSecSuccess { print("Successfully added the ID.: \(addIdentityStatus)") } else { print("Failed to add the ID.: \(addIdentityStatus)") } } Certificate: for cert in certificates { let certParams: [String: Any] = [ kSecValueRef as String: cert, kSecReturnPersistentRef as String: true, kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain as String: true ] let addCertStatus = SecItemAdd(certParams as CFDictionary, nil) if addCertStatus == errSecSuccess { print("Successfully added the certificate.: (\(addCertStatus))") } else { print("Failed to add the certificate.: (\(addCertStatus))") } } Private key: for privateKey in keys { let keyTag = UUID() .utf8)! let keyParams: [String: Any] = [ kSecAttrApplicationTag as String: keyTag, kSecValueRef as String: privateKey, kSecReturnPersistentRef as String: true, kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain as String: true ] let addKeyStatus = SecItemAdd(keyParams as CFDictionary, nil) if addKeyStatus == errSecSuccess { print("Successfully added the private key.: \(addKeyStatus)") } else { print("Failed to add the private key.: \(addKeyStatus)") } }
Authorization Plugin View Still Appears After Login on Home Screen for a Few Seconds
I am developing a custom authorization plugin for macOS, and I’ve encountered an issue where the auth plugin view remains visible on the home screen for a few seconds after login. Issue Details: After entering valid credentials, I call setResult(.allow) in my plugin to proceed with login. The authentication succeeds, and macOS starts transitioning to the home screen. However, for a few seconds after login, the authorization plugin view is still visible on the home screen before it disappears. I have observed this issue even when using Apple's sample authorization plugin. Observation: This issue occurs without an external monitor (on a single built-in display). If I manually close the plugin window inside Destroy(AuthPlugin.mechanism), then the auth plugin views do not appear on the home screen, which seems to fix the issue. However, when I do this, a gray screen appears for about a second before the desktop environment fully loads. I suspect that the gray screen appears due to the time macOS takes to fully load the home screen environment after login. Questions: Why does the authorization plugin view persist on the home screen for a few seconds after login? Is manually closing the plugin window in Destroy(AuthPlugin.mechanism) the correct way to prevent this, or is there a better approach? Is my assumption that the gray screen appears due to the home screen not being fully loaded correct? If the gray screen is caused by home screen loading, is there a system notification or event I can listen to in order to know when the home screen has fully loaded?
QUIC certificate question
I'm working on two Swift applications which are using QUIC in Network.framework for communication, one serve as the listener (server) and the other serve as the client so that they can exchange data, both the server and the client app are running under the same LAN, the problem I met is that when client try to connect to the server, the connection will fail due to boring SSL, couple questions: Since both the server app and client app are running under the same LAN, do they need TLS certificate? If it does, will self-signed certificate P12 work? I might distribute the app in App Store or in signed/notarized dmg or pkg to our users. If I need a public certificate and self signed wouldn't work, since they are just pair of apps w/o fixed dns domain etc, Is there any public certificate only for standalone application, not for the fixed web domain?
Not Sandbox App, Working on SMAppService as root
I am currently developing a No-Sandbox application. What I want to achieve is to use AuthorizationCopyRights in a No-Sandbox application to elevate to root, then register SMAppService.daemon after elevation, and finally call the registered daemon from within the No-Sandbox application. Implementation Details Here is the Plist that I am registering with SMAppService: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.example.agent</string> <key>BundleProgram</key> <string>/usr/local/bin/test</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/local/bin/test</string> <string>login</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> </dict> </plist> Code that successfully performs privilege escalation (a helper tool popup appears) private func registerSMAppServiceDaemon() -> Bool { let service = SMAppService.daemon(plistName: "com.example.plist") do { try service.register() print("Successfully registered \(service)") return true } catch { print("Unable to register \(error)") return false } } private func levelUpRoot() -> Bool { var authRef: AuthorizationRef? let status = AuthorizationCreate(nil, nil, [], &authRef) if status != errAuthorizationSuccess { return false } let rightName = kSMRightBlessPrivilegedHelper return rightName.withCString { cStringName -> Bool in var authItem = AuthorizationItem( name: cStringName, valueLength: 0, value: nil, flags: 0 ) return withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &authItem) { authItemPointer -> Bool in var authRights = AuthorizationRights(count: 1, items: authItemPointer) let authFlags: AuthorizationFlags = [.interactionAllowed, .preAuthorize, .extendRights] let status = AuthorizationCopyRights(authRef!, &authRights, nil, authFlags, nil) if status == errAuthorizationSuccess { if !registerSMAppServiceDaemon() { return false } return true } return false } } } Error Details Unable to register Error Domain=SMAppServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Operation not permitted} The likely cause of this error is that /usr/local/bin/test is being bundled. However, based on my understanding, since this is a non-sandboxed application, the binary should be accessible as long as it is run as root. Trying post as mentioned in the response, placing the test binary under Contents/Resources/ allows SMAppService to successfully register it. However, executing the binary results in a different error. Here is the plist at that time. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.example.agent</string> <key>BundleProgram</key> <string>Contents/Resources/test</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>Contents/Resources/test</string> <string>login</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> </dict> </plist> Here is the function at that time. private func executeBin() { let bundle = Bundle.main if let binaryPath = bundle.path(forResource: "test", ofType: nil) { print(binaryPath) let task = Process() task.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: binaryPath) task.arguments = ["login"] let pipe = Pipe() task.standardOutput = pipe task.standardError = pipe do { try let outputData = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile() if let output = String(data: outputData, encoding: .utf8) { print("Binary output: \(output)") } task.waitUntilExit() if task.terminationStatus == 0 { print("Binary executed successfully") } else { print("Binary execution failed with status: \(task.terminationStatus)") } } catch { print("Error executing binary: \(error)") } } else { print("Binary not found in the app bundle") } } Executed After Error Binary output: Binary execution failed with status: 5 Are there any other ways to execute a specific binary as root when using AuthorizationCopyRights? For example, by preparing a Helper Tool?