scan wifi access points


In my ios app i need to present the list nearby wifi access points.

When i read the forums, i understand this only can be achieved by using private framework.

But i have seen Chromecast iOS App , lists wifi access points.

How can this be done ?



You're correct that there's no general-purpose API for scanning for Wi-Fi networks.

With regards Chromecast, I'm not in a position to reverse engineer other developer's apps on your behalf but there are special-purpose solutions that it may be taking advantage of. For example, MFi accessories can be configured using EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowser.

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Quinn "The Eskimo!"

Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

I would be very interested in the functionality of CoreWLANWirelessManager (Mac) could be used in iOS. It has all the functionality needed.

Do you think this in already hiding somewhere in iOS?

I submitted it to the Dev team in 2011 and got a no.

And do you think

would be allowed in a Apple approved APP?

scan wifi access points