XCODE - Failed to create provisioning profile

Hi everyone,

I just installed Xcode. Version is 8.0

I registered myself (personal team) as a team.

I wasn't able to create the provisioning file. How can I fix this? I already searched for fixes in google, but didn't find anything helpful.

Thank you!

I have an iPhone 6s and a Macbook Pro.


Mr Cheers.

See the Triangle/Play and Square/Stop buttons? The next button to the right of these is, in fact, a drop-down menu. Click it and select the name of your iPhone.

yo ma hero! thanks alot

Thanks!!!! You just earn some karma.

Thanks a lot this helped!

Thanks a lot! I didn't realise that till now!

Thanks Brite Wheel! You helped me a lot! Appriciate it!!

That worked! Thank you.

The "My Device" is at the very top of the dropdown list that will probably have iPhone7 or iPhone8 or similar. When you hover over the dropdown list, it is actually called "Set the Active Scheme".

Just hit a similair issue as well with XCode 9.2. Seems that there was some problem with XCode not correctly managing the profile. In case it helps someone else the solution for me was to delete the profiles from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and get XCode to redownload them (XCode > Preferences > Accounts > Download Manual Profiles).

Thanks, this worked for me too! The default device was iPhone8- I scrolled to the top of the list to find *My* iPhone.

It worked when I plugged in my phone before creating the new project. Thanks

THANK YOU! it worked a treat!

Do the requirements for iOS software development include:

(in addition to registering @$105.00 & buying a new iMac)

owning a newer iPhone TOO?

Requires at least one device registered in the Member Center. Not sure how 'newer' it needs to be, other than capable of running an OS that is supported by the version Xcode you install.

I don't have iPhone device except MacBook. There is developer account which was already added to Xcode. But still there is error of "Failed to create provisioning profile." How to fix this?

I'm an Android developer that is now migrating over to Flutter. My first app is good to go.

Bought a Mac mini, paid my £70+ enrollment fee.

And now... in the throws of the release process I get the message...

Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Select a device run destination to have Xcode register it.

Do I really need to go and fork out for an IPhone as well now??

XCODE - Failed to create provisioning profile