ILP64 BLAS Interface from Accelerate?

Up until now, we have been using an optimized BLAS library for Intel processors. Now we are looking for replacements for Apple Silicon. I know that Accelerate provides such an interface. However, I haven't been able to find if it provides an ILP64, rather than LP64, interface, which is what we use on all 64-bit platforms. If it does, how do I access it? Thanks.
Answered by Engineer in 620330022
Accelerate provides an LP64 interface for BLAS and LAPACK. You can find the headers under the Accelerate.framework umbrella header.
Accepted Answer
Accelerate provides an LP64 interface for BLAS and LAPACK. You can find the headers under the Accelerate.framework umbrella header.

In macOS 13.3, Accelerate updated BLAS / LAPACK to align with v3.9.1 and also added ILP64 interfaces. Those new interfaces can be used by defining ACCELERATE_NEW_LAPACK preprocessor macro before including Accelerate / vecLib headers. For ILP64 interfaces, define ACCELERATE_NEW_LAPACK and ACCELERATE_LAPACK_ILP64 before including Accelerate / vecLib headers.

These details are noted in Accelerate's BLAS documentation and also in macOS 13.3 Release Notes

ILP64 BLAS Interface from Accelerate?