How to make Xcode 12 show deprecation warnings?

I'm not getting any deprecation warning now when I compile my code with known deprecation.

How to enable deprecation warning? I want to get rid of all deprecated calls.


So this is the deprecation I'm looking at:

 @available(iOS, introduced: 13.0, deprecated: 100000.0, message: "Use navigationTitle(:) with navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(:)")    @available(OSX, unavailable)    @available(tvOS, unavailable)    @available(watchOS, unavailable)    public func navigationBarTitle(_ titleKey: LocalizedStringKey, displayMode: NavigationBarItem.TitleDisplayMode) -> some View

Why is it marked "deprecated: 100000.0"? So it appears this is why I'm not seeing any deprecation warning. Can anyone explain how to see deprecation warning?

"Apple (and the Swift project) uses available: 9999 and deprecated: 10000 to indicate availablility for future (unannounced) versions of OSes or Swift."

So someone at SwiftUI need to fix "deprecated: 100000.0" to "deprecated: 14.0". This is a bug: FB7963358
