Can I implement a property observer in a property wrapper structure?

Because property observers observe and respond to changes, why they cannot observe and respond to change in a property wrapper?

Code Block import Foundation
struct Property {
private var number: Int = 0
private var maximum: Int = 0
var wrappedValue: Int {
get { return number }
set { number = min(newValue, maximum) }
init() {
maximum = 12
number = 0
init(wrappedValue: Int) {
maximum = 12
number = min(wrappedValue, maximum)
init(wrappedValue: Int, maximum: Int) {
self.maximum = maximum
number = min(wrappedValue, maximum)
willSet() {}
didSet() {}
struct SmallRectangle {
@Property(wrappedValue: 12, maximum: 25) var _height: Int
@Property(wrappedValue: 12, maximum: 25) var _width: Int
var smallRectangle = SmallRectangle()
smallRectangle._height = 18

There happens to be an error

"Expected 'func' keyword in instance method declaration"

at line 29 and 30.

If that being so, the willSet and didSet property observers would change to func.

Someone tell me if we can do that or not?
Answered by OOPer in 620535022

if we can do that or not

You cannot.

willSet or didSet are tightly coupled with stored property, and modify the implicitly generated setter for the property.
Putting willSet or didSet in a propertyWrapper has no meaning in property observers of Swift.

Declaring a stored property with observers like this:
Code Block
var storedProperty: SomeType {
willSet {
//...`willSet` statements
didSet {
//...`didSet` statements

is nearly equivalent to the following set of declarations:
Code Block
var _storedProperty: SomeType //<- This actually is not a `property` and cannot be accessed even from private context
var storedProperty: SomeType { //<- This actually is a computed property
get {
return _storedProperty
set {
do {
//...`willSet` statements
_storedProperty = newValue
do {
//...`didSet` statements

The keywords willSet and didSet are only valid in the declaration of stored properties and affect the behavior of setter.
There's no magic feature to observe and respond to changes.

So, if you want to add sort of observing feature to your property wrapper, try modifying the setter of wrappedValue.
Accepted Answer

if we can do that or not

You cannot.

willSet or didSet are tightly coupled with stored property, and modify the implicitly generated setter for the property.
Putting willSet or didSet in a propertyWrapper has no meaning in property observers of Swift.

Declaring a stored property with observers like this:
Code Block
var storedProperty: SomeType {
willSet {
//...`willSet` statements
didSet {
//...`didSet` statements

is nearly equivalent to the following set of declarations:
Code Block
var _storedProperty: SomeType //<- This actually is not a `property` and cannot be accessed even from private context
var storedProperty: SomeType { //<- This actually is a computed property
get {
return _storedProperty
set {
do {
//...`willSet` statements
_storedProperty = newValue
do {
//...`didSet` statements

The keywords willSet and didSet are only valid in the declaration of stored properties and affect the behavior of setter.
There's no magic feature to observe and respond to changes.

So, if you want to add sort of observing feature to your property wrapper, try modifying the setter of wrappedValue.
Can I implement a property observer in a property wrapper structure?