Local Network Privacy FAQ-7

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This post is part of the Local Network Privacy FAQ.

How does local network privacy work with app extensions?

In most cases an app extension (appex) will inherit its local network privacy state from its container application. That is:
  • If the user has granted local network access to the app, the appex will have local network access.

  • If the user has denied access, it won’t.

  • If the user has not made a choice yet, the appex will trigger the local network privacy alert.

There are two important exceptions:
  • Some Network Extension providers always have local network access. Packet tunnel providers, app proxy providers, and DNS proxy providers are all covered by this exception.

  • An appex will only trigger the local network privacy alert if it’s in the foreground. If the appex is in the background, or its a type of appex that can’t show UI, it will not trigger the alert.

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Up vote post of eskimo