Local Network Privacy FAQ-15

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This post is part of the Local Network Privacy FAQ.

My app presents the local network privacy alert unexpectedly. Is there a way to track down the cause?

If the alert is correlated with something you do in your app then you can step through your code to see what triggers it. However, in some cases this won’t help. For example, some third-party libraries automatically run code in your app that triggers the local network privacy alert. One option here is to start removing any third-party libraries from your app until you figure out which one is triggering it, and then raise this issue with the library’s vendor.

If you get completely stuck then start a new thread here on DevForums and I’ll try to help out there. Make sure to tag your thread with one of the standard networking tags (Bonjour, CFNetwork, or Network).

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Local Network Privacy FAQ.

My app is experiencing a similar issue, it unexpectedly presents the local network privacy alert. Currently, the app does not use any (Bonjour, CFNetwork, or Network). I want to know if this alert is automatically triggered by Apple or if there are any reasons that could cause this alert to be displayed?

Thank so much!

Local Network Privacy FAQ-15