Why the names of the actions “Mail to Self” and “Save to Files” on the screen “Share” may not be translated into Russian language?

Good afternoon!
Please, tell me, why the names of the actions "Mail to Self" and "Save to Files" on the screen "Share" may not be translated into Russian language?
The language on the device is Russian, the buttons "Copy" and "Edit actions" are translated.
Added to info.plist "Localized resources can be mixed" = YES (without this setting the buttons “Copy” and “Edit action” were not translated), but for “Mail to Self” and “Save to Files” this does not work. 

Accepted Reply

I'm not sure you need.

As you have access to forum, probably not. Just try it.
If that does not work, I will post it.

But, I have tested in an app, in simulator 12.4.
iPhone language is set to franche.
And the app is localised for french as well.

"Save to file" is localized as "Enregistrer sur fichier", which is OK.
So, you may have an issue in the way you have defined supported languages by the app.

But in another app which has no other languages defined, the messages remain all in english, whatever language I set the iOS simulator to…


I see you posted on SO.

But without image there.
Could you add a screen copy there so that we see exactly what you get ?

DIs it translated if you select another language for the iPhone, like french or spanish ?
I haven't not enough access in SO (I can't set image in my post).
In the end of my post in SO link on the image ("enter image description here" - https: //i.stack.imgur.com/kPoib.jpg).
When I select another language for the iPhone (Spanish), this actions aren't translated too.
When I look on an iPhone with iOS 13.7, I do not get the same actions.
I get
  • the first (Copy photo, localised)

  • Save to Files (localised)

  • but not Mail to self (@)

So, they should be localised, otherwise that is an iOS bug to report.

Which version of iOS ? 14.2 I guess ?
This is part of my code for share:
Code Block
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration? {
 let shares = UIContextualAction(
style: .normal,
title: "",
handler: {
(_, _, completion) in
let shareController = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: ["Test")], applicationActivities: nil)
if let popoverController = shareController.popoverPresentationController {
popoverController.sourceRect = CGRect(x: UIScreen.main.bounds.width / 2, y: UIScreen.main.bounds.height / 2, width: 0, height: 0)
popoverController.sourceView = self.view
popoverController.permittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirection(rawValue: 0)
                self.present(shareController, animated: true, completion: nil)
        shares.image = UIImage(systemName: "arrowshape.turn.up.right")
        shares.backgroundColor = .darkGray
        return UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: [shares])

In Xcode I use iOS Deployment Target = 14.0, and my iPhone has iOS 14.2.
"Mail to self" displayed at only real device (not simulator)
So that is probably an iOS 14 bug…

You should file a bug report.
Do I need to be a member of the Apple Developer Program to submit a bug report?
I'm not sure you need.

As you have access to forum, probably not. Just try it.
If that does not work, I will post it.

But, I have tested in an app, in simulator 12.4.
iPhone language is set to franche.
And the app is localised for french as well.

"Save to file" is localized as "Enregistrer sur fichier", which is OK.
So, you may have an issue in the way you have defined supported languages by the app.

But in another app which has no other languages defined, the messages remain all in english, whatever language I set the iOS simulator to…
I found some instructions on how to create bug reports,
it says that Assistant Feedback is used to create bug reports.

In Assistant Feedback, I receive the following message:
"You are not a member of current projects. Check out the information about the seed program and registration in seed projects on the AppleSeed website."

Maybe I'm trying to do it in the wrong place?
So, you may not post bug report.

But read my updated previous message. That may not be an iOS bug but some configuration of your app.

Did you test with the photo library app, by selecting a photo and asking to share ?
Thank you very much,
in info.plist "Localization native development region" was "$(DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE)".
I set value "ru" in this setting, and this work.
Great. Thanks for feedback.

Don't forget to close the thread by marking my answer 3 messages below.

Хорошего дня
I have checked the box in the question and answer.
Merci! Bonne journée!