How to play .caf file

I tried to change my code from

let urlString = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "X", ofType: "mp3")!


let urlString = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "X", ofType: "caf")!

after I already uploaded the file. But it throws a fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

I double check the filename and it's correct. and the caf file does play.


I have a similar issue.

This audio file was deleted a couple of minutes after it was sent: filevarmobileLibrarySMSAttachments4101B9AA7671-B8F7-4CAA-840A-D408B46794FDAudio%20Message

I tried to find it in the librabry, but won't even find the "SMSAttachments" Does anyne know if I can safe this file somehow? Would be highly appreciated if there is any way to save this file.

best & many thanks Maren