Re-Add iPhone X/XS/11 Pro "View As" for Xcode 12.5

Xcode 12.5 seemed to have removed the "View As" option for iPhones X, XS, 11. I have an iPhone X that I use as a test device for my apps and there is no equivalent preview size in Storyboards. This is so annoying! Anyone know a way to add an additional View size?


Nevermind, it seems that the iPhone 12 Mini screen is the same view size. Which is weird, because I compare models on Apple's website and the 12 Mini screen is much smaller than the X, XS, 11 screens. Hm.
Where do you see it is the same size ?

I think there is a small difference (Mini is 4% smaller in each direction):

Code Block
Model          Logical W  Logical H   Physical W    Physical H    PPI Retina Factor
iPhone 12 mini    360       780         1080         2340        476     3
iPhone X          375       812         1125         2436        458     3

Complete references here :
https ://ios-resolution .com
In fact, X and Xs were already gone in Xcode 12.4.

But don't forget that preview is just a helper. Your app should work and look good on any device.
  • Xcode 13 - I just noticed that the + is gone. It seems that you cannot add any devices for storyboard layout view anymore. Can you confirm this? Or did Apple put it somewhere else? Strange that not all (recent) devices are listed.

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