The single biggest feature that is missing that I and other developers need is Notifications (i.e. push notifications). It's essential for a huge range of apps including chat / social media / workflow, business apps / games. Notifications have been available for native since 2009 via APNS.
As a collective list (from a number of developers):
- Notifications
- Install Prompts/Banners (would go along way to reducing friction for installing web apps.)
- Pinned App Settings (in Settings Main Page and Settings > Notifications)
- Service Worker Navigation Preloads (to speed stuff up)
- Web Share Target with Files (So you can airdrop files to other people)
- Deep Links to Home-screen apps (from a clicking a url)
- Badges on Home-screen apps (i.e. unread chat count)
- Background Sync (To make sure the user has latest data when they load the app)
- Bluetooth
In terms of privacy/protections for the user if pinned home-screen/apps simply appeared as an App in the Settings > apps menu and in Settings > Notifications that would provide users the same control over notifications and other privacy settings (location etc).
Another one specifically our team (as a case example) is being able to access bluetooth devices. We are currently constrained in buying large volumes high end thermal printers for all our customers, because there's no way for us to use significantly cheaper bluetooth enabled ones. We prefer to use iPads for their performance, quality and reliability for all our kiosk/POS style devices, but we also want to use web-apps instead of native apps so we can maintain a single codebase between mobile and desktop devices (mac or windows).
Our group of developers have a range of other requirements/issues for their specific apps, some work on video conferencing, some work with WebGL but universally notifications is what comes up as the biggest missing feature in Safari iOS.
Through many conversations, we've heard that for a first class browser Apple has a very small (but talented) team. Given the large number of different specifications and the importance of the web as the only truly open development platform there should be conversations between your VP/SVPs/Senior Directors about greatly increasing budget and staffing. It won't be possible with Apple's current staffing level to keep up development with all the various APIs.
Apple Legal often uses Web-Apps as a defense against AppStore anti-trust/monopoly investigations but this defense is only realistic if there's a significant investment in Apple's web-platform and is seen to a least be trying to keep it competitive with native apps. This alone should be a good enough reason for the higher ups to give the team the budget they need.
We also appreciate that many decisions including budget and what does and does not get funded (i.e. developed) comes from people further up and that the Safari team themselves have limited control, however it's critical that the importance of maintaining a competitive and first class browser in the eyes of developers gets to the highest levels. Once web-developers had decided that IE was horrible to develop for, this opinion eventually spread to the wider public until IE's reputation became impossible to salvage eventually forcing Microsoft to scrap the brand all-together. It's important that Safari does not develop the reputation as the new IE among developers as these negative opinions will spread to the wider public and negatively affect Apple's brand. We're not at that stage yet but I worry that if iOS Safari continues to be significantly (or strategically) underfunded that they will not keep up with the expected feature set of a mobile browser (a moving target).
In terms of communication the is missing most of the key features listed above
If you look at bluetooth it just says "Not Considering", there's no conversation or reasoning provided. A link to discussion thread where Apple can explain their reasoning and the specific blockers (i.e. can't do this because of these very specific privacy reasons) and developers can respond with suggestions would be a great step forward.
The list should be greatly expanded to include all of the (major) features requested by developers and/or w3c specs.
Many of us as members of the web-development community would are willing to contribute our expertise, time and effort. We're passionate about the open web and have most of us have been fans and advocates of Apple and Safari long before the wider public.
Thank-you and Looking forward to your reply.