Orthographic projection in nonAR camera mode of RealityKit


I am considering to use RealityKit framework to create a 3D viewer. The viewer will be used to display virtual objects in AR and also in a fully virtual environment. I saw that I can initialize the ARView with a nonAR camera mode and set a perspective camera for it, but my viewer needs to have an option to display the scene also with orthographic projection, I couldn't find a way to do it. Is it possible to use RealityKit in a non AR environment and to display the scene with orthographic projection ?

Any help will be highly appreciated!


Accepted Reply

Hi Yaniv, we don't support orthographic cameras at the moment. However, our team agrees this is a good feature to add to the engine, and I filed a feature request for it.

  • Thanks. I hope it will be added sometime soon.

  • @Graphics and Games Engineer @uMoji hi, has this feature been implemented already?

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Hi Yaniv, we don't support orthographic cameras at the moment. However, our team agrees this is a good feature to add to the engine, and I filed a feature request for it.

  • Thanks. I hope it will be added sometime soon.

  • @Graphics and Games Engineer @uMoji hi, has this feature been implemented already?

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