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Simulate and render 3D content for use in your augmented reality apps using RealityKit.

Posts under RealityKit tag

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Disable Object Occlusion on iOS
I’m developing an app using RealityKit and RealityView. On newer iPhones, such as the iPhone 15 Pro, Object Occlusion appears to be enabled by default, which causes 3D entities to be hidden behind real-world objects in the scene. However, I need to disable this behavior to ensure proper rendering of my 3D content. This issue does not occur on older devices like the iPhone 13, where the app works as intended. I haven’t been able to find a solution to explicitly disable object occlusion on the newer devices for RealityView. Any guidance or suggestions to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Plane Model Falling into Infinity in RealityKit Immersive Space
We have a plane model (basecircle)without physics and rigid body components, and no gestures are implemented. However, when tapped, the model unexpectedly falls into infinity. func fetchEnvResource(){ var simpleMaterial = SimpleMaterial() env = try! Entity.loadModel(named: "bgMain5") env.position += [0,0,-10] envTexture = PhysicallyBasedMaterial() envTextureUnlit = UnlitMaterial() envTexture.baseColor = .init(texture: .init(try! .load(named: "bgMain5"))) envTextureUnlit.color = .init(texture: .init(try! .load(named: "bgMain5"))) env.isEnabled = false let anchor = AnchorEntity(world: [0, 0, -3]) baseCircle = ModelEntity(mesh: .generatePlane(width: 1.5, depth: 1.5, cornerRadius: 0.75), materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .green, isMetallic: false)]) env.components.set(InputTargetComponent()) baseMaterial = PhysicallyBasedMaterial() baseMaterialUnlit = UnlitMaterial() baseMaterial.baseColor = .init(texture: .init(try! .load(named: "groundTexture"))) baseMaterial.baseColor.tint = UIColor(white: 1.0, alpha: CGFloat(textureOpacity)) baseCircle.model?.materials = [baseMaterial] baseCircle.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false) baseCircle.components.set(InputTargetComponent()) baseCircle.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self] = .init(PhysicsBodyComponent(massProperties: .default, mode: .static)) baseCircle.physicsBody = PhysicsBodyComponent( mode: .kinematic ) anchorEntity.addChild(baseCircle) baseCircle.position = [0,0,-3] baseCircle.isEnabled = false let cylinder = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateCylinder(height: 0.2, radius: 0.5), materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .blue, isMetallic: false)]) cylinder.position = [0,-0.1,0] cylinder.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false) cylinder.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self] = .init(PhysicsBodyComponent(massProperties: .default, mode: .static)) cylinder.physicsBody = nil cylinder.scale = [500, 100, 100] anchor.addChild(cylinder) } The plane model in this issue is the BaseCircle. Any suggestions on how to solve this or potential fixes would be greatly appreciated
RealityKit texture sampling behaviour
Hey there, I am working on an app that displays environmental data using PNG color channels to represent data ranges, which gets overlayed on a map. The sampled values aren't what I'm expecting though... for example an RGB value of 0x7f0000 (R = 0.5, G = 0, B = 0) would be seen as 0.21, 0, 0 in the shader. This basically makes it unusable if I'm trying to show scientific data... I'm half wondering if I am completely misunderstanding how sampling works in RealityKit / RealityComposerPro. Anybody have any idea why it works like this? Actual result (chart labels added in photoshop): Expected: Red > 0.1 Shader Graph
Create Anchor on Objects from 2D Data
We're developing a VisionOS application, where we would like to do product recognition (like food items). We have enterprise entitlements and therefore also main camera access for VisionOS. We send this live camera frames to a trained CoreML model where we will receive 2D coordinates from the model detection prediction. Now, we would like to create a 3D anchor on the detected items so it can be visible for user. The 3D anchor is going to be the class name of the detected item. How do we transform this 2D coordinate from the model prediction to a 3D anchor?
Recursively searching the realityKitContentBundle
Hi Hopefully someone can share some ideas on how to accomplish this. I know we can load models from realityKitContentBundle like let model = try? await Entity(named: “testModel”, in: realityKitContentBundle) But this is in the root of RealityKitContent.rkassets , if I have the models in some subfolder then I have to add the complete path like let model = try? await Entity(named: “/superModels/testModel”, in: realityKitContentBundle) What I want is to be able to search recursively in all folders for that file as I have several subfolders with different models. Any suggestion ? Thanks in advance. Guillermo
Ground Shadows pass through objects
This issue has been since visionOS 1 unless that is how it is supposed to work. As you can see in the screen capture the shadows from the top box are shown on all 3 boxes below. This is a screen capture in composer pro but the same thing happens in the Vision Pro. Is there any way to stop this behavior and just have shadows on the first object below the object that is casting the shadows ?
How to access the Scene instance of a visionOS app using immersive space in a unit test?
I have a visionOS app using immersive space with RealityView. The app adds RealityKit entities to the app's Scene instance, and uses raycast to find CollisionCastHits. I want now to write a unit test to check if the app finds the right hits.
To do so, I have to access the Scene instance to add entities, and to check if they are hit by scene.raycast. But how can I access the scene instance? I can access it e.g. after creating the RealityView via its content parameter, or via @Environment(\.realityKitScene). But this seems not to be possible in a unit test. I tried the following test function: @MainActor @Test func test() async throws { var scene: RealityKit.Scene? await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in _ = RealityView(make: { content in print("make") let entity = Entity() content.add(entity) scene = entity.scene continuation.resume() }) } #expect(scene != nil) } But this logs ◇ Test test() started.
SWIFT TASK CONTINUATION MISUSE: test() leaked its continuation! The reason is apparently that the make closure of RealityView is only called when SwiftUI calls it within the body of a SwiftUI View. So, is it possible at all to access the app's scene i a unit test?
Blend shape animation in USDZ not importing into Reality Composer Pro
Hello, I have a usdz model created in Maya. It's supposed to have a splashing animation associated with it, and this can be viewed in Maya and Blender, but for some reason when I export it to usdz and then import it into my Reality Composer Pro project, the animation is missing. I expect an animation library to be created on the entity when I drag it in like any other usdz with animation data, but that is not the case. Any help would be appreciated on this issue.
RealityKit attachments on macOS?
I'm building a SwiftUI+RealityKit app for visionOS, macOS and iOS. The main UI is a diorama-like 3D scene which is shown in orthographic projection on macOS and as a regular volume on visionOS, with some SwiftUI buttons, labels and controls above and below the RealityView. Now I want to add UI that is positioned relative to some 3D elements in the RealityView, such as a billboarded name label over characters with a "show details" button and such. However, it seems the whole RealityView Attachments API is visionOS only? The types don't even exist on macOS. Why is it visionOS only? And how would I overlay SwiftUI elements over a RealityView using SwiftUI code on macOS if not with attachments?
VisionOS DockingRegion getting ignored
Hi, I added DockingRegion to my scene from Reality Composer Pro, and I am able to load up the scene, but DockingRegion is getting ignored and the scene is getting rendered with no change in AVPlayerViewController window. As it can be seen in Reality Composer Pro screenshot below, I set the width of the player to 666, and moved it to the back by 300cm, but the actual result does not reflect the position I set on Reality Composer Pro. Is there anything else I should do other than loading up the Entity and adding to RealityView? Specifically, do I have to get the DockingRegion within the usda file and somehow enable it?
Values for SIMD3 and SIMD2 not showing up in Reality Composer Pro
Reality Composer Pro question related to custom components My custom component defines some properties to edit in RCP. Simple ones work find, but SIMD3 and SIMD2 do not. I'd expect to see default values but instead I get this 0s. If I try to run this the scene doesn't load. Once I enter some values it does and build and run again it works fine. More generally, does Apple have documentation on creating properties for components? The only examples I've seen show simple strings and floats. There are no details about vectors, conditional options, grouping properties, etc. public struct EntitySpawnerComponent: Component, Codable { public enum SpawnShape: String, Codable { case domeUpper case domeLower case sphere case box case plane case circle } // These prooerties get their default values in RCP /// The number of clones to create public var Copies: Int = 12 /// The shape to spawn entities in public var SpawnShape: SpawnShape = .domeUpper /// Radius for spherical shapes (dome, sphere, circle) public var Radius: Float = 5.0 // These properties DO NOT get their default values in RCP. The all show 0 /// Dimensions for box spawning (width, height, depth) public var BoxDimensions: SIMD3<Float> = SIMD3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0) /// Dimensions for plane spawning (width, depth) public var PlaneDimensions: SIMD2<Float> = SIMD2(2.0, 2.0) /// Track if we've already spawned copies public var HasSpawned: Bool = false public init() { } }
Object Capture Not Working – Blank Screen Displayed
Hello everyone, Since last night, the Object Capture feature in my app has stopped working. Whenever I try to use it, a blank screen is displayed instead of the expected functionality. I’ve also tested several other apps that rely on Object Capture, and they are experiencing the same issue. This makes me think it might not be a problem specific to my device or app. I’ve already tried restarting my device and ensuring all apps are up to date, but the issue persists. Does anyone have more information about this issue? If so, is there any update on when it might be resolved? Thank you in advance for your help! Best regards
[Reality Composer Pro] Detecting Collision in RealityComposerPro scene
Hello! I read this thread, and this is similar to what I'm trying to do. I have two entities in the scene, "HandTrackingEntity", "HandScanner". "HandTrackingEntity": I put Anchoring Component, Collision Component (Trigger) here. "HandScanner": I put Behaviors Component(OnCollision), and Collision Component here. Here is the pictures how I set the components. and I set physicsSimulation property to .none. I was expecting that Timeline will be played when I put my hand(with HandTrackingEntity) on "HandScanner" entity. But it didn't work. Am I missing some steps? And I need sample codes to understand how to apply 'physicsSimulation' property. I'd appreciate it if you could let me know about it.
RealityKit Spatial Audio - Volume drops abruptly
I have a class with an Entity, on which I added a Spatial Audio component. Furthermore, I have a function, which uses the playAudio() method to start the Spatial Audio. During the first call of the function, everything is fine. If I call the again, the audio volume drops abruptly after a half second. It is very quiet. Approximately, I have following code: class VoiceOutputPlayer: NSObject, ObservableObject, AVAudioPlayerDelegate { private var speechEntity = Entity() func play() { Task{ let audioRessource = try await AudioFileResource(contentsOf: urlWave) self.speechEntity.playAudio(audioRessource) } } func initSpatialAudio() -> Entity { speechEntity.transform.translation.y = -0.37 speechEntity.transform.translation.z = 0.09 speechEntity.spatialAudio = SpatialAudioComponent(gain: speechEntity.spatialAudio?.reverbLevel = -2 speechEntity.spatialAudio?.directivity = .beam(focus: 0.9) speechEntity.orientation = .init(angle: .pi, axis: [0, 1, 0]) speechEntity.spatialAudio?.distanceAttenuation = .rolloff(factor: 1) return speechEntity } } Have visionOS 2.2 on the Apple Vision Pro and use Xcode 16.1