Xcode size

Does anyone know how much space I need to download Xcode 12 or 13?

I have about 40 GB of storage left on my MacBook Pro and I keep getting a popup "There is not enough disk space available to install the product." I have been looking around for how much GB it is but I can't find it anywhere. I have already ordered an external HD which holds 300GB just to be safe.

Any help would be appreciated.


The Xcode beta I have installed is 33GB large, so you are definitely very close to running out of space. However, not all hope is lost! Go to /Users/<username>/Library/Developer/Xcode/, and check the sizes of the DerivedData and iOS DeviceSupport folders. Xcode will store a lot of data in those folders (SDKs and build artifacts), so you might be able to free up some space by deleting some of the data in there. On my dev laptop, my DerivedData folder is 87GB right now 😱!

Xcode size