I have some issues linking some frameworks when I run my iOS application. The issue comes as code signing version is not supported. I use Carthage for the dependency management. It links the framework then has the copy-framework script where it copies to the framework and does the code signing.
For code signing it does the same thing codesign --force --sign ****** --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements path_to_framework
The CodeDirectory for some frameworks after signing is 20200 and for others 20400. Obviously 20200 is not supported anymore hence the issue, although I don’t under why does it assign an old version number to it when it's been signed the same way in Big Sur.
I have Xcode 12.3 and using Big Sur 11.4.
Framework where it’s not working:
Executable=********/Frameworks/FirebaseCore.framework/FirebaseCore Identifier=com.firebase.Firebase-FirebaseCore Format=bundle with generic CodeDirectory v=20200 size=226 flags=0x0(none) hashes=1+3 location=embedded Signature size=4886 Signed Time=18 Jun 2021 at 16:15:27 Info.plist entries=7 TeamIdentifier=******** Sealed Resources version=2 rules=10 files=1 Internal requirements count=1 size=196
Framework where the code signing works properly:
Executable=********/Frameworks/RxSwift.framework/RxSwift Identifier=io.rx.RxSwift Format=bundle with Mach-O universal (arm64) CodeDirectory v=20400 size=74833 flags=0x0(none) hashes=2332+3 location=embedded Signature size=4886 Signed Time=18 Jun 2021 at 16:16:07 Info.plist entries=21 TeamIdentifier=******** Sealed Resources version=2 rules=10 files=0 Internal requirements count=1 size=176
Any idea what the issue can be?