Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles

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Discuss the technical details of security certificates, identifiers, and profiles used by the OS to ensure validity of apps and services on device.

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles Documentation

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How to move code signing certificates to another Mac
Hi, I recently created and installed new code signing certificates/keys on my main Mac. How to easily copy these certificates/keys to my another Mac with the same Apple ID? Earlier Quinn suggested: "The easiest way to do this is use Xcode’s import/export feature. Launch Xcode, choose Xcode > Settings, select Accounts, select the account in question, then choose Export Apple ID and Code Signing Assets from the action (…) menu." And it worked fine in 2020-2021. However import/export options are no longer available in XCode 16 anymore. Please suggest a simple solution.
Problems with new Developer ID certificate
My Developer ID certificate will expire in few days, so I downloaded and installed new certificate in login keychain. However my key is still linked to my old certificate. I have my .p12 but even if I delete the old certificate from login keychain and reinstall the .12 file, my old certificate reappears in the login keychain. I tried to select the new certificate in the login keychain and choose Files > Export Items (in Keychain Access) but in the Save dialog under File Format the "Personal Information Exchange (.p12)" option is grayed out. How can I generate a key/.p12 file that will be linked to my new certificate?
Apple Developer Certificate not recognized for codesigning
I’m building an Electron app for macOS that I plan to distribute to users in a .dmg outside the Mac App Store. I have a Developer ID Application certificate (from Apple’s Developer Portal) and a private key, and I can see “Developer ID Certification Authority” in my System Roots keychain. • My Developer ID Application certificate is in the login keychain, and it shows up under “My Certificates” with its private key. • On Keychain, certificate shows red message "not trusted", but when I evaluate and check it specifically for codesigning it shows a green checkmark and success • Developer ID Certification Authority is in System Roots. • security find-identity -p codesigning – shows my certificate, but shows 0 valid identities • Updated operating system and deleted and recreated a new certificate, still get the same issue
Codesign Error When Publishing iOS MAUI App in Visual Studio Code
I am experiencing an issue when publishing my .NET MAUI application for iOS using Visual Studio Code. During the publishing process, I encountered a codesign error. Hope someone can help me. This is the error: Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Distribution: SOFTBUILDER SDN. BHD. (********)" /Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/bin/Release/net8.0-ios/ios-arm64/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.app: errSecInternalComponent /usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0/18.0.8316/tools/msbuild/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(2335,3): error : /usr/bin/codesign exited with code 1: [/Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios] /usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0/18.0.8316/tools/msbuild/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(2335,3): error : Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Distribution: SOFTBUILDER SDN. BHD. (U44UY7DYY7)" [/Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios] /usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0/18.0.8316/tools/msbuild/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(2335,3): error : /Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/bin/Release/net8.0-ios/ios-arm64/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.app: errSecInternalComponent [/Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios] /usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0/18.0.8316/tools/msbuild/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(2335,3): error : Failed to codesign '/Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/bin/Release/net8.0-ios/ios-arm64/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.app': Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Distribution: SOFTBUILDER SDN. BHD. (U44UY7DYY7)" [/Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios] /usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0/18.0.8316/tools/msbuild/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(2335,3): error : /Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/bin/Release/net8.0-ios/ios-arm64/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.app: errSecInternalComponent [/Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios] /usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0/18.0.8316/tools/msbuild/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(2335,3): error : [/Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios] /usr/local/share/dotnet/packs/Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0/18.0.8316/tools/msbuild/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(2335,3): error : [/Users/frankongthuanhong/Desktop/App/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui/MLBusinessCafe_Maui.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios]
self-signed jre works in one macos account, but not another
Hi, I have a macOS Intel machine running Ventura 13.7.4. This machine is used as a build node for Jenkins to run a test for a USB device that has an HID interface. The test runner for this is Java's junit on Azul's Zulu JDK 8 for mac. I've added the com.apple.security.device entitlement to this JDK 8 bundle and signed using a self-signed certificate. This certificate is available in the system keychain at: keychain: "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" version: 256 class: 0x80001000 On my personal account on this machine, I can run the test and it calls IOHIDDevicePlugin's open function and returns success: [junit] [debug] [hid.cpp:1457] HIDAccess::Open Success in open for cDeviceHandle: 0x6000006abb38 If I run the same test logged in as the Jenkins agent account, then open returns: [junit] [debug] [hid.cpp:1484] Could not open HID with handle: 0x600002a5c018, error (-1ffffd3f): (iokit/common) privilege violation I can see the certificate that signed the JDK bundle running the command: security find-certificate -c "java-rt-usb" -a -m The results are the same for both accounts. Is my setup expected to work? I.e. create a self-signed cert in one account with admin privileges, put the cert in the system keychain, sign an app bundle with a new usb entitlement using this cert, and then run that app in another account on the same machine. If it's expected to work, are there any more troubleshooting tools I can use? ioreg shows the same output for these devices under test in both accounts: $ ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 +-o CMSIS-DAP@14620000 <class AppleUSBDevice, id 0x1000026ae, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 17> +-o CMSIS-DAP@14630000 <class AppleUSBDevice, id 0x1000026d6, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 17>
security find-identity -v -p codesigning 0 valid identities found
I am trying to resign a package using a script from Docebo. But I got an error when running the script error: The specified item could not be found in the keychain. So I ran security find-identity and I got a 0 Valid identity message. But I can see these certificates installed in my keychain and downloaded a brand new mobile provissioning profile. No dice... any ideas?
watchkitapp.complication identifier is not available
The mentioned way of setting up complications does not work. We can't create the identifier according to the guideline mentioned in the WWDC session. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10049/?time=1021 Timestamp: 17:04 Error: An attribute in the provided entity has invalid value An App ID with Identifier '.watchkitapp.complication' is not available. Please enter a different string. To clarify - the non masked identifier is not used on another property inside our dev program. Without creating the identifier our tests result in not working push notifications. Error message while testing: discarded as application was not registered. Is the way mentioned in the WWDC session still valid? BR
Cloud Signing via Developer ID doesn't seem to work with Admin API Keys
Hi, I'm having a really hard time figuring out why I cannot perform cloud signing via Developer ID with xcodebuild. I have a macOS application, which I can perfectly cloud sign the following way: Sign into Xcode with my Admin + Account Holder Apple ID. Delete my Developer ID Application certificate from Keychain Access. In Xcode, click Archive. When archived, click "Distribute App" in Xcode Organizer. The app is cloud signed. I prove this by extracting the certificate codesign --extract-certificates -- /path/to/app.app then locate the 1.2.840.113635. bit mentioned by Quinn in this post. I however do it by simply opening the certifiacte with Keychain Access, where I can investigate the content of the certificate, rather than use that tool he does. Then, I do the following to attempt to cloud sign via xcodebuild: Create an API Key for the whole team in Users and Access > Integrations > App Store Connect with the "Admin" role selected. Download the private key .p8 file to ~/Downloads. Sign out of my Apple ID in Xcode by removing the account in Settings > Accounts. Create an archive: xcodebuild archive -scheme "<redacted scheme name>" -archivePath ~/Downloads/archive.xcarchive -authenticationKeyIssuerID <redacted issuer id> -authenticationKeyID <redacted key id> -authenticationKeyPath ~/Downloads/AuthKey_<redacted key id>.p8 -allowProvisioningUpdates The archive is successfully created, with a new "Apple Development: Created via API (TEAM ID)" naming. Export the archive: xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ~/Downloads/archive.xcarchive -authenticationKeyIssuerID <redacted issuer id> -authenticationKeyID <redacted key id> -authenticationKeyPath ~/Downloads/AuthKey_<redacted key id>.p8 -allowProvisioningUpdates -exportOptionsPlist ~/Downloads/exportOptions.plist -exportPath ~/Downloads which then fails: 2025-03-07 10:27:58.706 xcodebuild[2152:40704] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path "/var/folders/tn/yy7ynz3d0yb4p3sd_5q_wl0h0000gn/T/<redacted app name> macOS_2025-03-07_10-27-58.706.xcdistributionlogs". error: exportArchive Cloud signing permission error error: exportArchive No signing certificate "Developer ID Application" found ** EXPORT FAILED ** Opening the distribution logs, I find this in the Provisioning Log: 2025-03-07 09:09:58 +0000 2025-03-07 09:09:58 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): 2025-03-07 09:09:58 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): Sending request 84E57539-BC1D-407A-8402-7BCE9F2FD100 to <https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/xcbuild/v1/certificates> for session DVTServicesTeamBasedSession <issuer: <redacted issuer id>; key identifier: <redacted key id>>. Method: POST Headers: { Accept = "application/vnd.api+json"; "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate"; Authorization = "Bearer <redacted bearer token>"; "Content-Length" = 116; "Content-Type" = "application/vnd.api+json"; "User-Agent" = Xcode; "X-HTTP-Method-Override" = GET; "X-Xcode-Version" = "16.2 (16C5032a)"; } Payload: {"urlEncodedQueryParams":"teamId=<redacted team id>&filter%5BcertificateType%5D=DEVELOPER_ID_APPLICATION_MANAGED&limit=200"} 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): Received response for 84E57539-BC1D-407A-8402-7BCE9F2FD100 @ <https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/xcbuild/v1/certificates>. Code = 0 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): 2025-03-07 09:09:59 +0000 IDEProvisioningRepair(<redacted app name>.app): Response payload: { "errors" : [ { "id" : "3d09690a-e26f-497f-b576-25104064387e", "status" : "403", "code" : "FORBIDDEN_ERROR", "title" : "This request is forbidden for security reasons", "resultCode" : 7495, "detail" : "You haven't been given access to cloud-managed distribution certificates. Please contact your team's Account Holder or an Admin to give you access. If you need further assistance, contact Apple Developer Program Support at https://developer.apple.com/contact/." } ] } Which is really weird, since I am using an API key with Admin rights. If I create a new key, and use it only for this command, App Store Connect does show the "Last Used" date as today after running the command. I thought some time might need to pass, but the issue has been persisting since yesterday. What could be wrong here? I do have a managed Developer ID Application certificate showing in my account but I still can't retrieve it with an Admin right imbued API key.
Gatekeeper stops directly distributed MacOS app with Network Extension
Is it possible to directly distribute a macOS app with a Developer ID Certificate that belongs to a different team? I am trying to resolve issues that arise when distributing a macOS app with a Network Extension (Packet Tunnel) outside the App Store using a Developer ID Certificate from a different team than the app’s provisioning profiles and entitlements. I started by attempting Direct Distribution in Xcode with automatic signing. However, it fails with the following message: Provisioning profile "Mac Team Direct Provisioning Profile: ” failed qualification checks: Profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension entitlement. I suspect the issue is that the provisioning profile allows "packet-tunnel-provider-systemextension", whereas the entitlements generated by Xcode contain "packet-tunnel-provider". When I manually modify the .entitlements file to include the -systemextension suffix, the project fails to build because Xcode does not recognize the modified entitlement. If there is a workaround for this issue, please let me know. Due to these issues, I resorted to manually creating a signed and notarized app. My process is as follows: Export the .app from the Xcode archive. Since the exported .app does not contain the necessary entitlements or provisioning profile for direct distribution, I replace Contents/embedded.provisioningprofile in both the .app and the .appex network extension. Sign the app and its components in the following order: codesign --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <name>" <app>.app/Contents/Frameworks/<fw>.framework/ codesign --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <name>"<app>.app/Contents/PlugIns/<netext>.appex/Contents/Frameworks/<fw>.framework/Versions/A/<fw> codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements dist-vpn.entitlements --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <name>" <app>.app/Contents/PlugIns/<netext>.appex/ codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements dist.entitlements --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <name>" <app>.app Verify the code signature: codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=4 <app>.app - <app>.app: valid on disk - <app>.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement Create a ZIP archive using: ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent <app>.app <app>.zip Notarize the app with notarytool and staple it. The notarization completes successfully with errors: nil. Package the notarized app into a DMG, notarize, and staple the DMG. The app runs successfully on the development machine. However, when moved to another machine and placed in /Applications, it fails to open. Inspecting Console.app reveals Gatekeeper is blocking the launch:
 taskgated-helper <bundleid>: Unsatisfied entitlements: com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension, com.apple.developer.team-identifier taskgated-helper entitlements: { "com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension" = ("packet-tunnel-provider-systemextension"); "com.apple.developer.team-identifier" = <teamid>; } As mentioned earlier, the Developer ID Certificate used for signing belongs to a different team. We are a third-party developer and do not have access to the Developer ID Certificate of the team assigned as the team-identifier. When I changed the bundle identifier (app ID), team, entitlements, and provisioning profiles to match the team associated with the Developer ID Certificate, the app worked. My question is:
 Is this failure caused by using a Developer ID Certificate from a different team, or should it still work if the provisioning profiles and entitlements are correctly set? Could there be an issue elsewhere in the provisioning profiles or entitlements for the original app ID?
Xcode:Automatic signing failed
In xcode, the signing&amp;capabilities TAB for ios says: Automatic signing failed Xcode failed to provision this target. Please file a bug report at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com and include the Update Signing report from the Report navigator. Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.kikk.morsecode" doesn't include the com.apple.developer.in-app-purchase entitlement. Even though I've already configured the corresponding Certificates, Identifiers &amp; Profiles in developer Does anyone have the same problem? My Version of xcode is Version 15.4 (15F31d), running on m2pro.
In-App Purchase Grayed Out & Provisioning Profile Error
Hello, I’m facing an issue with enabling In-App Purchases (IAP) for my iOS app, and it’s causing provisioning errors during the build process. Issue: • In Apple Developer Portal → Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, the In-App Purchase capability is checked but grayed out, so I can’t modify it. • In Xcode, under Signing & Capabilities, I don’t see In-App Purchase listed. • When trying to build, I get the following error: Provisioning profile “BillionMines_Dev_Profile” doesn’t include the com.apple.developer.in-app-purchase entitlement. • Automatic signing in Xcode fails with: Xcode failed to provision this target. What I Have Tried: 1. Verified that my App ID is explicitly defined (not a wildcard ID). 2. Regenerated and downloaded a new Provisioning Profile, ensuring it matches my app. 3. Confirmed that In-App Purchase is enabled in App Store Connect under Features. 4. Cleaned the build folder and restarted Xcode. 5. Manually added com.apple.developer.in-app-purchase to my .entitlements file. Questions: • Why is the In-App Purchase option grayed out in Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles? • How can I ensure my provisioning profile includes the com.apple.developer.in-app-purchase entitlement? • Are there additional steps required to fully activate In-App Purchases? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
provisioning profile does not include the currently selected device
I am trying to build/deploy app to my phone however I get this message: "provisioning profile doesn't include the currently selected device" My developer account is pretty old one and used to be one the paid-version one. My understanding is that I should be able to deploy apps using free account but I don't see where I can add or delete devices....stuck in the loop over here! :-) I've created support request via email but I don't know if that is being worked or not...four days since I put it in. I suppose my other options are new apple-id or pay $99 and hope apple pays attention then? Any other suggestions?
Missing code-signing certificate when uploading MacOS installer to AppStore
Hi there! I have an issue with uploading a PKG installer to the MacOS AppStore. Uploading with: xcrun altool --upload-app -t macos -f $PKGPATH -u $DEVELOPER_ID -p $APP_SPECIFIC_PWD results in error: *** Error: Validation failed Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.frogblue.frogCom [com.frogblue.frogCom.pkg/Payload/frogSIP.app] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal. (ID: fc4e5488-6d09-4ab2-b1f7-017a33c69723) (409) Application seems to be correctly code signed with „3rd Party Mac Developer Application“ certificate. codesign -dv --verbose=4 /Users/dietmar.finkler/Desktop/frogSIP/deploy/frogSIP.app Identifier=com.frogblue.frogCom Format=app bundle with Mach-O universal (x86_64 arm64) CodeDirectory v=20500 size=266432 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=8315+7 location=embedded VersionPlatform=1 VersionMin=720896 VersionSDK=918784 Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha256=923de799a54616706b76050b50b7ee6d59f8355a CandidateCDHashFull sha256=923de799a54616706b76050b50b7ee6d59f8355a65aa7cce03e34bb2033da1e9 Hash choices=sha256 CMSDigest=923de799a54616706b76050b50b7ee6d59f8355a65aa7cce03e34bb2033da1e9 CMSDigestType=2 Executable Segment base=0 Executable Segment limit=31604736 Executable Segment flags=0x1 Page size=4096 CDHash=923de799a54616706b76050b50b7ee6d59f8355a Signature size=9109 Authority=3rd Party Mac Developer Application: frogblue TECHNOLOGY GmbH (UG2P6T5LNH) Authority=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Timestamp=26.02.2025 at 10:07:08 Info.plist entries=31 TeamIdentifier=UG2P6T5LNH Runtime Version=14.5.0 Sealed Resources version=2 rules=13 files=1124 Internal requirements count=1 size=212 The PKG build with productbuild seems also be correctly code signed with„3rd Party Mac Developer Installer“ certificate. pkgutil --check-signature /Users/dietmar.finkler/Desktop/frogSIP/frogSIP-1.2a2.pkg Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple (Development) Certificate Chain: 1. 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: frogblue TECHNOLOGY GmbH (UG2P6T5LNH) Expires: 2026-02-25 17:17:54 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: D1 9E AC 27 C7 26 F3 2E 1E F5 50 2C 7A 1B 1D FB 54 D6 17 C1 1C 58 C1 7E F8 87 B6 44 D1 49 17 DC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority Expires: 2030-02-20 00:00:00 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: DC F2 18 78 C7 7F 41 98 E4 B4 61 4F 03 D6 96 D8 9C 66 C6 60 08 D4 24 4E 1B 99 16 1A AC 91 60 1F ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Apple Root CA Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24 KeyChain login items show both "3rd Party Mac Developer Application" and "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer“ certificates. But checking with security find-identity -v -p codesigning shows only the "3rd Party Mac Developer Application“ certificate. "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer“ is missing. I check also the entitlement in the app package, which looks ok for me. codesign -d --entitlements :- /Users/dietmar.finkler/Desktop/frogSIP/deploy/frogSIP.app <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "https://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"><plist version="1.0"><dict><key>com.apple.application-identifier</key><string>UG2P6T5LNH.com.frogblue.frogCom</string><key>com.apple.developer.aps-environment</key><string>production</string><key>com.apple.developer.associated-domains</key><array><string>applinks:go.dev.frogblue.cloud</string><string>applinks:go.test.frogblue.cloud</string><string>applinks:go.prod.frogblue.cloud</string></array><key>com.apple.developer.team-identifier</key><string>UG2P6T5LNH</string><key>com.apple.security.app-sandbox</key><true/><key>com.apple.security.cs.disable-library-validation</key><true/><key>com.apple.security.device.audio-input</key><true/><key>com.apple.security.device.camera</key><true/><key>com.apple.security.network.client</key><true/><key>com.apple.security.network.server</key><true/></dict></plist> What I am missing? Thanx for any hint! Regards Dietmar Finkler
What happens when the Notification Service Extension provisioning profile expires?
I am managing provisioning profiles manually, including the one for my Notification Service Extension. I am wondering what happens if the provisioning profile for the Notification Service Extension expires. I have two types of apps: An App Store-distributed app An Enterprise-distributed app Can someone clarify how the expiration of the Notification Service Extension's provisioning profile affects both cases? Will the extension stop functioning, or will it continue to work normally?
errSecInternalComponent Issues
I have read the posted solution threads and am still stuck with solving this issue. I have created a python app that works perfect on my machine and I would like to distribute externally via .zip file. I have created a certificate and downloaded it (G2 Sub-CA (Xcode 11.4.1 or later)) Next i have installed the Çert into the login keychain along with the Matching G2 Intermediate Cert (in system) and the proper Root Cert. However I am still not getting a proper chain when evaluating the developer certificate and I am at a loss at this point. I would love to pay someone to simply walk me through it if anyone has some time to solve this problem with me so I can run the notarytool and then distribute my application. Thanks!
App Group ID access for files after transfer ios
I have some questions regarding App Group Id's and use of the FileManager during an Appstore iOS transfer. I've read a lot of the topics here that cover app groups and iOS, but it's still unclear exactly what is going to happen during transfer when we try to release an updated version of the app from the new account. We're using this method FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "group.com.foo.bar") to store files on the device that are important for app launch and user experience. Once we transfer the app and begin the process of creating a new version under the new account will we be able to read the files that are stored using this app group id under the new account? What steps do we need to take in order to handle this and continue being able to access these files? It seems like the app group is not transferred in the process? I've seen some users mention they removed the app group from the original account and created it again under the receiving account (with notes mentioning this is undocumented behavior). These conversations we're centered around Shared user defaults, and that applies as well but I'm more concerned with reading the values from the file system. Thanks!
Provisioning profile failed qualification. Profile doesn't support App Groups.
I can't upload my macOS app to app store connect. Each time i try to upload, i see this message: Provisioning profile failed qualification Profile doesn't support App Groups. An empty app without an app group uploads fine, but if i add an app group to it, it does not upload.
Feb ’25
Does App Store provisioning ever expire?
Howdy, I thought this would be an easy question, but it turns out it's really not! In fact, it flies in the face of how the Apple ecosystem is set up. That said, I still need an answer to be able to inform our customers of what their app update options are. The question: Does app store provisioning ever expire? Based on the very limited information I can find, it either expires in one year, two years, or never. Anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that the answer could be never, but I need to confirm this. The use case: Some of our customers are very old school. They tend to find a technical solution and stick with it. As such, they do not update apps regularly on their field iPads. They generally only update when they are forced to. They use MDM to deploy the app, and would set the MDM not to pull updated apps from the app store when available, essentially keeping the same version of the app in use for as much as 3 years or more. If this were to happen, I need to know if the provisioning for the old version of the app will ever expire if they get it from the app store. I know with an enterprise deployment of .ipa files via MDM, the app provisioning/certificate will expire after 1 or 2 years (can't remember which atm), but I can't find an answer about app store provisioning. Hopefully someone can provide me with an answer on this forum. Thanks in advance, Mapguy
Feb ’25
Code signing for local, dev/staging, and production
We have a MacOS application that we plan on distributing standalone (it'll be installed through MDM or directly, not through the app store). We utilize endpoint security and full disk access for this (enterprise) app. I have a makefile that uses codesign to sign the app inside-out. All that appears to work (i.e., when I try to run the app directly it functions as I expect it to). What's the recommended way to allow the developers in my team to also sign the app for local development so it functions as close as possible to production? My first thought is to distribute the developer identity to their machines using MDM. However, ideally i'd like to rule out the ability for a developer who has the MDM profile assigned to export the keys. That really only leaves a centralized solution in place or disabling SIP on their system (which I don't want to do). Alternatively, would creating a separate identity for production make more sense, so that in the case the developer certificate is revoked, the production releases continue to function as normal (however, I assume this would also require creating two different profiles for the endpoint security entitlement--one for each certificate). Thanks! Derek
Feb ’25
Unable to edit problematic keychain-access-groups setting of downloaded provisioningprofile for signing
In an expo managed project which utilizes custom expo plugins, we're having trouble getting the keychain-access-groups entitlement inserted to our provisioningprofile for signing. The provisioning profile we download from apple dev portal contains: <key>keychain-access-groups</key> <array> <string>56APMZ7FZY.*</string> <string>com.apple.token</string> </array> and this is not recognized by xcode for signing; an error is thrown: Provisioning profile "ccpp" doesn't include the com.apple.developer.keychain-access-groups entitlement. A matching error is thrown during EAS build. So we need to find a way to modify the ccpp.mobileprovision locally and then sign the build using the modified ccpp.mobileprovision. Or, we need guidance on the proper way to resolve this situation. Questions: why does the downloaded mobileprovision file have the keychain-access-groups key, and not com.apple.developer.keychain-access-groups? Both Xcode and EAS appear to demand the latter keyname. when I use expo prebuild, I am able to see the following in the .entitlements file: <key>com.apple.developer.keychain-access-groups</key> <array> <string>$(AppIdentifierPrefix)com.myapp</string> </array> I am adding this entitlement using a custom expo plugin. However, the mobileprovision file downloaded from apple developer portal has no knowledge of this setting which is only applied through expo prebuild. So what I am left with at the end is an entitlements file generated by my expo prebuild which has the correct setting, and a provisioningprofile downloaded from dev portal with an incorrect setting, and I don't know how to mend the downloaded provisioningprofile (incorrect setting) with my local entitlements file (correct setting).
Feb ’25