Signing Certificates

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A signing certificate is a digital identity used for code signing during the build and archive process.

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Code Signing Resources
General: DevForums tags: Code Signing, Signing Certificates, Provisioning Profiles, Entitlements Developer Account Help — This document is good in general but, in particular, the Reference section is chock-full of useful information, including the names and purposes of all certificate types issued by Apple Developer web site, tables of which capabilities are supported by which distribution models on iOS and macOS, and information on how to use managed capabilities. Developer > Support > Certificates covers some important policy issues Entitlements documentation TN3125 Inside Code Signing: Provisioning Profiles — This includes links to other technotes in the Inside Code Signing series. WWDC 2021 Session 10204 Distribute apps in Xcode with cloud signing Certificate Signing Requests Explained DevForums post --deep Considered Harmful DevForums post Don’t Run App Store Distribution-Signed Code DevForums post Resolving errSecInternalComponent errors during code signing DevForums post Finding a Capability’s Distribution Restrictions DevForums post Signing code with a hardware-based code-signing identity DevForums post Mac code signing: DevForums tag: Developer ID Creating distribution-signed code for macOS documentation Packaging Mac software for distribution documentation Placing Content in a Bundle documentation Embedding Nonstandard Code Structures in a Bundle documentation Embedding a Command-Line Tool in a Sandboxed App documentation Signing a Daemon with a Restricted Entitlement documentation Defining launch environment and library constraints documentation WWDC 2023 Session 10266 Protect your Mac app with environment constraints TN2206 macOS Code Signing In Depth archived technote — This doc has mostly been replaced by the other resources linked to here but it still contains a few unique tidbits and it’s a great historical reference. Manual Code Signing Example DevForums post The Care and Feeding of Developer ID DevForums post TestFlight, Provisioning Profiles, and the Mac App Store DevForums post For problems with notarisation, see Notarisation Resources. For problems with the trusted execution system, including Gatekeeper, see Trusted Execution Resources. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Feb ’24
Can't access Individual apple developer account fully
I have an apple developer account, but can't access its Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section, and when I try to open it it gives following error Unable to find a team with the given Team ID "######"to which you belong. Please contact Apple Developer Program Support. I am concerned whether we can access it in an individual account or we have to make the purchase I need this to be able to run my apps on real device instead of simulator cause it keeps telling that certificate not valid.
Private key is not installed in your keychain error
App.xcodeproj: error: Revoke certificate: Your account already has an Apple Development signing certificate for this machine, but its private key is not installed in your keychain. App.xcodeproj: error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "T....." with a private key was found. From the above error during build, I do not know what I am supposed to do to fix this issue. The build was working few days back and today it is giving this error.
Regarding existing iOS Distribution Certificate after organization rename of Apple Developer Enterprise Program
Hi all, regarding requesting an organization name change for enrollment of enterprise developer subscription, I would like to understand more regarding the arrangement of iOS distribution certificate under the account (for internal deployment) but there is not much we can find in the official documentation and from the existing post. Existing Distribution Certificate under the old name (e.g ABC Corp) are now used and app signed by it were deployed to thousands of internal users via internal website, after organization renaming, it is understood that the common name distribution certificate would not be renamed automatically and we will have to generate and pack the app with a new distribution certificate afterwards in order to update the name shown on users device. I would like to confirm if the existing distribution certificate (i.e. created under the legacy name ABC Corp) would be still kept valid until its expiry date (or until we manually revoke it) and not affected by the renaming of the developer account. (i.e. two valid distribution certificate, one with the legacy name and another one with new name can be kept valid after the name change). Does anyone have experience with this after organization rename? Thanks.
Unknown Error = -2,147,409,850 for Certificate Assistant
Product Name : Apple Developer Support Support Category : Development and Technical Support Topic : Certificates, Identifiers, and Provisioning Profiles Hello there, we are facing an issue in generating Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority with error code Unknown Error = -2,147,409,850 This has blocked us in generating production build. Please provide assistance.
unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Developer" XXXX
I have recently been added as an apple developer in an organization by our main developer. On my mac, within keychain access, I have two certificates, one under my name and one under the company name. Both are not trusted. I am not sure what steps I need to perform to get those certificates to be trusted. I suspect that maybe my account does not have the privileges required regarding generating trusted certificates despite me being a developer in the organization. I get the error mentioned in the title when trying to deploy my app on a real device for testing which I am convinced is tied to the fact that my certificates on my target machine are not trusted. All the solutions that I have read online have failed me and its quite impossible for me to proceed forward at this point without any assistance.
NSUpdateSecurityPolicy don't work or how to request App Managment permission?
I have two MAUI Mac Catalyst apps. According to this guide I created certificates, signed Release versions of applications, packed them with pkgbuild and productbuild which I also signed with created certificate They are both signed with same Code Signing key, have same team id. I had set up NSUpdateSecurityPolicy like this: Using codesign -dv I cheked that updater, old and new versions of app share same Team Id and have correct bundle identifiers After update, updater wants to overwrite old app contents, but it always receives UnathorizedAccessException when touching any file located in application If my updater app has "App Managment" or "Full disk access" permission in System settings, everything works fine, but user needs to set up it manualy, that is not comfortable, so how can I request this permission? Also according to what I know, application don't need this permission if it's Team ID set up in NSUpdateSecurityPolicy Maybe I incorrectly set up NSUpdateSecurityPolicy, but I can't notice anything wrong. Also, can it be because I overwrite application using MAUI and C#? Thanks a lot for any answer!
Managing notifications and extension expiring certificates
Hi everyoneI I’m maintining an app that uses the Notification Service Extension entitlement (which I have never used before). The app is not published on the App Store but is delivered OTA via a website. previous developer told me that to avoid certificate expiration issues, they started using the APNs Auth Key on the server in the past. However, I now have two certificates close to expiration on the developer profile page. Both certificates are of the type "Apple Push Services": The first one is named with my app's bundle ID (MyInstitution.AppName). The second is named after the Notification Service Extension entitlement (MyInstitution.AppName.NotificationServiceExtension). In the Key section on the developer profile page, under Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Keys section, there is a key named "MyInstitution NSE." My questions are: What should I do with the expiring certificates now that the app is using the APNs Auth Key? Is the Notification Service Extension entitlement working separately from the APNs Auth Key? In the end, does something really need to be renewed? What needs to be renewed, and how? When should I perform this operation if needed? Do I need to create a new .ipa file and distribute it? I have added some screenshots to be clearer (names hidden for privacy concerns):
Receiving main camera stream
Hello, I recently got the entitlement for the Enterprise API this week. Although adding the license and the entitlement to the project, I couldn't get any frame from the cameraFrameUpdates. Here are the logs of the authorization and the cameraFrameUpdates [cameraAccess: allowed] CameraFrameUpdates(stream: Swift.AsyncStream<ARKit.CameraFrame>(context: Swift.AsyncStream<ARKit.CameraFrame>._Context)) Could anyone point out what I'm doing wrong in the process?
My ID has been changed.
I got into trouble setting up my X-Code team ID. My user ID suddenly changed. Please take a look at the first screenshot. This is the certificate I was originally using, and I got a new certificate because it's about to expire. The new certificate is the second screenshot. But you can check that the ID is different. The problem is that the Apple login function is not working properly because the ID is different (I'm using Unity to develop a game) Can you tell me why the user ID has changed and I can't change it to the original one?
Development Team not showing in Xcode.
Xcode is not recognizing that I am part of a team to be able to build the application. And I deleted my user's certificates and I can't generate a new user. Appers the message: "There is a problem with the request entity You already have a current Development certificate or a pending certificate request" But, the essential is appers the development team on the Xcode and this is not working... I have the dev role.
Jun ’24
error: exportArchive: "" requires a provisioning profile with the Associated Domains and Push Notifications features.
When I build with Flutter, XCODE returns an error:error: exportArchive: "" requires a provisioning profile with the Associated Domains and Push Notifications features. I use the automatic management signing, and the provisioning profiles include related features. What should I do?
Jun ’24
Create p12 identity from pem cert string & private key during iOS runtime
I have a unique need here and hope there is someone out there that might be of help. There is a backend server that will send an x509 certificate and private key (as strings) after the mobile apps on-boarding process. Additionally, the app includes an AWS SDK that is used to talk to their IoT system. This SDK requires PKCS12 certificate format to pass authentication. (I believe the common method is to have bundled the cert into the app which is not an option for me here sadly) I suspect it may be possible to use some openSSL iOS framework to do this conversion at runtime but have not personally tried it yet as my go-to is usually trying things first with Apples APIs. So my question becomes is there a way to meet this requirement using any of the security APIs or other APIs that apple has like swift-nio-ssl? Thank you very much for your time. Best, Michael
Jun ’24
iOS18 beta enterprise certificate trust issue
When I trusted my certificate in 'Setting'->'VPN & Device Management', my device reboot automatically. After reboot, it showed that "developer of My Team is not trusted in this iPhone", but the app is "verified" in the second column. The UI looks like: iOS18 beta: First Col: Trust "My Team" Second Col: MyApp Verified Other versions: First Col: Delete App Second Col: MyApp Verified What's more, my app has plugins(extensions), my app can run normally while the extension is not able to be pulled up on iOS18 beta.
Jun ’24