Can you get an Album from a Song with MusicKit?

Is it possible to get an album from a song in MusicKit? I haven't been able to find a way to do so currently. I have tried using .with() but it appears that album is not supported.

What I am looking for is properties on the Song like what is present on MPMediaItem such as albumTitle, genre, etc.


Hello @jknlsn,

The relevant properties you are looking for are currently not exposed in MusicKit’s Song, but we are working on adding them.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Hello @jknlsn,

In iOS 15 beta 4, we have exposed a number of new properties to music items, including the Song.albumName attribute and the Song.albums relationship.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Thanks Joe, looks great! Very helpful, can't wait to use them.