Can .doccarchive file enhance experience of code completion

In this documentation: distributing-documentation-to-external-developers, it seems that .doccarchive file can only be opened directly in Xcode or hosted in a website.

In my circumstance, I am distributing my swift static framework by turning on BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION. There are some symbols such as struct/class/function/property, and they must be marked as public to meet the requirement of compiler. But I really discourage my clients to use these symbols.

One of the approach is to remove them from the code completion suggestion of Xcode.

In another documentation: documenting-a-swift-framework-or-package, it is said that:

The compiler integrates directly with Xcode to enhance your existing workflow, including code completion, Quick Help, and more.

I am wondering if it is possible that I ship my framework with a .doccarchive file. And when my clients use my binary framework, Xcode can use my .doccarchive file when doing code completion and showing quick help of the code?


Hi bestswifter, .doccarchive files are not included inside of built frameworks. To distribute them together, you can export your documentation from Xcode's documentation viewer as shown in the article Distributing Documentation to External Developers.