CLLocationManager didUpdateLocations not updating while Watch dims

I'm developing a workout app and the app uses routeBuilder to save the workout route along with workout data.

The app did as expected (retrieves and saves GPS data) when app is in foreground mode and even in background mode when Apple Watch display is ON ... the problem is when the watch enters the dim state (blur on Always On) then GPS data is received 10-15 more seconds and after that the app stops receiving updates until display is ON again.

Background Mode - Location Updates and Workout Processing capabilities are ON , allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates is true, Location When In Use permission is granted.

App works fine on simulator. The previous behavior is on an Apple Watch 6, 44mm WatchOS 7.5 (Watch only app)


I found the root of the problem ... I have a Timer with 1/100th of second to update the display, if I set the timer to 1 second everything works. I need to detect the status of the app to check if it enters in background and change the timer frequency accordingly.