Not Seeing iOS 15 Notification Avatars

I work on a Messaging app. I am trying to update our app so that it will donate communication intents whenever a message is received. The problem is, even though I am successfully creating an INSendMessageIntent, with a sender (INPerson) with an associated INImage, iOS 15 never actually shows the sender's avatar/image.

Is there something more I need to do? This is basically what my code does:

INImage *senderImage = [INImage imageWithImageData:imageData];

INPerson *const contact = [[INPerson alloc]

INSendMessageIntent *intent = [[INSendMessageIntent alloc]
                    serviceName:@"Instagram Direct"

nseContentHandler([notifContent contentByUpdatingWithProvider:intent error:&error]);

I am doing all of this in the Notification Service Extension. I can see that the image is valid/nonnull and the contentByUpdatingWithProvider:error: method does not set an error, so I am quite confused

Accepted Reply

Really dumb answer: I needed to add the "Communication Notifications" capability to my project :)


Really dumb answer: I needed to add the "Communication Notifications" capability to my project :)

HI @nightsd01! Did you do something different than your code? Mine is not changing the icon of the Communication Notification at all, I've tried many variations of where to set the image, still just shows the app Icon on the left side of the notification.

Also, didn't you have to donate (Using INInteraction *interaction) before attach the intent to the notification content?


Angelo Ribeiro.

@aribeironovaes did you manage to make this work. I am also struggling with the notifications to display custom image.

  • did you manage to make this work. I have the same problem.

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you can try

    INPerson *person2 = [[INPerson alloc] initWithPersonHandle:personHandle2
    INPerson *person = [[INPerson alloc]initWithPersonHandle:personHandle
    INSpeakableString *speakableGroupName = [[INSpeakableString alloc] initWithSpokenPhrase:@"speakableGroupName"];
    INSendMessageIntent *sendMessageIntent = [[INSendMessageIntent alloc]