Hi, i just wanna ask, Is it possible to run YOLOv3 on visionOS using the main camera to detect objects and show bounding boxes with labels in real-time? I’m wondering if camera access and custom models work for this, or if there’s a better way. Any tips?
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In an under-development MacOS & iOS app, I need to identify various measurements from OCR'ed text: length, weight, counts per inch, area, percentage. The unit type (e.g. UnitLength) needs to be identified as well as the measurement's unit (e.g. .inches) in order to convert the measurement to the app's internal standard (e.g. centimetres), the value of which is stored the relevant CoreData entity.
The use of NLTagger and NLTokenizer is problematic because of the various representations of the measurements: e.g. "50g.", "50 g", "50 grams", "1 3/4 oz."
Currently, I use a bespoke algorithm based on String contains and step-wise evaluation of characters, which is reasonably accurate but requires frequent updating as further representations are detected.
I'm aware of the Python SpaCy model being capable of NER Measurement recognition, but am reluctant to incorporate a Python-based solution into a production app. (ref [https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/30092])
My preference is for an open-source NER Measurement model that can be used as, or converted to, some form of a Swift compatible Machine Learning model. Does anyone know of such a model?
One can configure the languages of a (VN)RecognizeTextRequest with either:
.automatic: language to be detected
a specific language, say Spanish
If the request is configured with .automatic and successfully detects Spanish, will the results be exactly equivalent compared to a request made with Spanish set as language?
I could not find any information about this, and this is very important for the core architecture of my app.
Hi everyone,
I'm a Mac enthusiast experimenting with tensorflow-metal on my Mac Pro (2013). My question is about GPU selection in tensorflow-metal (v0.8.0), which still supports Intel-based Macs, including my machine.
I've noticed that when running TensorFlow with Metal, it automatically selects a GPU, regardless of what I specify using device indices like "gpu:0", "gpu:1", or "gpu:2". I'm wondering if there's a way to manually specify which GPU should be used via an environment variable or another method.
For reference, I’ve tried the example from TensorFlow’s guide on multi-GPU selection: https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/gpu#using_a_single_gpu_on_a_multi-gpu_system
My goal is to explore performance optimizations by using MirroredStrategy in TensorFlow to leverage multiple GPUs: https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/distributed_training#mirroredstrategy
Interestingly, I discovered that the metalcompute Python library (https://pypi.org/project/metalcompute/) allows to utilize manually selected GPUs on my system, allowing for proper multi-GPU computations. This makes me wonder:
Is there a hidden environment variable or setting that allows manual GPU selection in tensorflow-metal?
Has anyone successfully used MirroredStrategy on multiple GPUs with tensorflow-metal?
Would a bridge between metalcompute and tensorflow-metal be necessary for this use case, or is there a more direct approach?
I’d love to hear if anyone else has experimented with this or has insights on getting finer control over GPU selection. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I'm implementing an LLM with Metal Performance Shader Graph, but encountered a very strange behavior, occasionally, the model will report an error message as this:
LLVM ERROR: SmallVector unable to grow. Requested capacity (9223372036854775808) is larger than maximum value for size type (4294967295)
and crash, the stack backtrace screenshot is attached. Note that 5th frame is
mlir::getIntValues<long long>
and 6th frame is
llvm::SmallVectorBase<unsigned int>::grow_pod
It looks like mlir mistakenly took a 64 bit value for a 32 bit type. Unfortunately, I could not found the source code of
mlir::getIntValues, maybe it's Apple's closed source fork of llvm for MPS implementation? Anyway, any opinion or suggestion on that?
Machine Learning & AI
While building an app with large language model inferencing on device, I got gibberish output. After carefully examining every detail, I found it's caused by the fused scaledDotProductAttention operation. I switched back to the discrete operations and problem solved. To reproduce the bug, please check https://github.com/zhoudan111/MPSGraph_SDPA_bug
Machine Learning & AI
I’m trying to group my EntityPropertyQuery selection into sections as well as making it searchable.
I know that the EntityStringQuery is used to perform the text search via entities(matching string: String). That works well enough and results in this modal:
Though, when I’m using a DynamicOptionsProvider to section my EntityPropertyQuery, it doesn’t allow for searching anymore and simply opens the sectioned list in a menu like so:
How can I combine both? I’ve seen it in other apps, but can’t figure out why my code doesn’t allow to section the results and make it searchable? Any ideas?
My code (simplified)
struct MyIntent: AppIntent {
@Parameter(title: "Meter"),
optionsProvider: MyOptionsProvider())
var meter: MyIntentEntity?
// …
struct MyOptionsProvider: DynamicOptionsProvider {
func results() async throws -> ItemCollection<MyIntentEntity> {
// Get All Data
let allData = try IntentsDataHandler.shared.getEntities()
// Create Arrays for Sections
let fooEntities = allData.filter { $0.type == .foo }
let barEntities = allData.filter { $0.type == .bar }
return ItemCollection(sections: [
items: fooEntities),
items: barEntities)
struct MeterIntentQuery: EntityStringQuery {
// entities(for identifiers: [UUID]) and suggestedEntities() functions
func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [MyIntentEntity] {
// Fetch All Data
let allData = try IntentsDataHandler.shared.getEntities()
// Filter Data by String
let matchingData = allData.filter { data in
return data.title.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(string))
return matchingData
Is there any way to stop GPU work running that is scheduled using metal?
Long shader calculations don't stop when application is stopped in Xcode and continue to take up GPU time and affect the display.
Why is this functionality not available when Swift Tasks are able to be canceled?
Machine Learning & AI
Hello, I am thinking of buying the MacBook Pro 14" with M4 Pro for ML/AI/ NLP tasks mostly. And since I have only used Windows before, I am wandering if it is compatible with libraries like "Pytorch" and "TensorFlow" etc., or people have experienced problems in installation... Thank you!
Machine Learning & AI
Hi everyone,
I'm working with VNFeaturePrintObservation in Swift to compute the similarity between images. The computeDistance function allows me to calculate the distance between two images, and I want to cluster similar images based on these distances.
Current Approach
Right now, I'm using a brute-force approach where I compare every image against every other image in the dataset. This results in an O(n^2) complexity, which quickly becomes a bottleneck. With 5000 images, it takes around 10 seconds to complete, which is too slow for my use case.
Are there any efficient algorithms or data structures I can use to improve performance?
If anyone has experience with optimizing feature vector clustering or has suggestions on how to scale this efficiently, I'd really appreciate your insights. Thanks!
I am a App designer and I am curious about what specific ML or AI Apple used to develop those features in the system.
As far as I know, Apple's hand-raising detection, destination recommendations in maps, and exercise types in fitness all use ML.
Are there more specific application examples of ML or AI?
Does Apple have a document specifically introducing examples of specific applications of ML or AI technology in the system?
Machine Learning & AI
I am developing an app for the Swift Student challenge; however, I keep encountering an error when using ClassifyImageRequest from the Vision framework in Xcode:
VTEST: error: perform(_:): inside 'for await result in resultStream' error: internalError("Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-1 \"Failed to create espresso context.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to create espresso context.}")
It works perfectly when testing it on a physical device, and I saw on another thread that ClassifyImageRequest doesn't work on simulators. Will this cause problems with my submission to the challenge?
Machine Learning & AI
Swift Student Challenge
Swift Playground
Has anyone been able to run Tensorflow > 2.15 with Tensorflow Metal 1.1.0 on M3? I tried several times but was not successful. Seems like development on TensorFlow Metal has paused?
We are building an app which can reads texts. It can read english and Japanese normal texts successfully. But in some cases, we need to read Japanese tategaki (vertically aligned texts). But in that times, the same code gives no output. So, is there any need to change any configuration to read Japanese tategaki? Or is it really possible to read Japanese tategaki using vision framework?
lazy var detectTextRequest = VNRecognizeTextRequest { request, error in
self.words = [:]
// Get OCR result
guard let res = request.results as? [VNRecognizedTextObservation] else { return }
// separate the words by space
let text = res.compactMap({$0.topCandidates(1).first?.string}).joined(separator: " ")
var n = 0
self.xs = 1
self.ys = 1
var hs = 0.0 // To compare the heights of the words
// To get the original axis (top most word's axis), only once
for r in res {
var word = r.topCandidates(1).first?.string
self.words[word ?? ""] = [r.topLeft.x, r.topLeft.y]
if(self.cartLabelType == 1){
if(word?.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "//")).count ?? 0>2){
self.xs = r.topLeft.x
self.ys = r.topLeft.y
Not finding a lot on the Swift Assist technology announced at WWDC 2024. Does anyone know the latest status? Also, currently I use OpenAI's macOS app and its 'Work With...' functionality to assist with Xcode development, and this is okay, certainly saves copying code back and forth, but it seems like AI should be able to do a lot more to help with Xcode app development.
I guess I'm looking at what people are doing with AI in Visual Studio, Cline, Cursor and other IDEs and tools like those and feel a bit left out working in Xcode. Please let me know if there are AI tools or techniques out there you use to help with your Xcode projects.
Thanks in advance!
I've checked on pypi.org and it appears to only have arm64 packages, has x86 with AMD been deprecated?
We are using VNRecognizeTextRequest to detect text in documents, and we have noticed that even in some very clear and well-formatted documents, there are still instances where text blocks are missed. the live text also have the same issue.
Hi everyone😊, I want to implement facial recognition into my app. I was planning to use createML's image classification, but there seams to be a lot of hassle to implement (the JSON file etc.). Are there some other easy to implement options that don't involve advanced coding. Thanks, Oliver
Machine Learning & AI
Issue type: Bug
TensorFlow metal version: 1.1.1
TensorFlow version: 2.18
OS platform and distribution: MacOS 15.2
Python version: 3.11.11
GPU model and memory: Apple M2 Max GPU 38-cores
Standalone code to reproduce the issue:
import tensorflow as tf
if __name__ == '__main__':
gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')
Current behavior
Apple silicone GPU with tensorflow-metal==1.1.0 and python 3.11 works fine with tensorboard==2.17.0
This is normal output:
/Users/mspanchenko/anaconda3/envs/cryptoNN_ml_core/bin/python /Users/mspanchenko/VSCode/cryptoNN/ml/core_second_window/test_tensorflow_gpus.py
[PhysicalDevice(name='/physical_device:GPU:0', device_type='GPU')]
Process finished with exit code 0
But if I upgrade tensorflow to 2.18 I'll have error:
/Users/mspanchenko/anaconda3/envs/cryptoNN_ml_core/bin/python /Users/mspanchenko/VSCode/cryptoNN/ml/core_second_window/test_tensorflow_gpus.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mspanchenko/VSCode/cryptoNN/ml/core_second_window/test_tensorflow_gpus.py", line 1, in <module>
import tensorflow as tf
File "/Users/mspanchenko/anaconda3/envs/cryptoNN_ml_core/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow/__init__.py", line 437, in <module>
File "/Users/mspanchenko/anaconda3/envs/cryptoNN_ml_core/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/load_library.py", line 151, in load_library
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: dlopen(/Users/mspanchenko/anaconda3/envs/cryptoNN_ml_core/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow-plugins/libmetal_plugin.dylib, 0x0006): Symbol not found: __ZN3tsl8internal10LogMessageC1EPKcii
Referenced from: <D2EF42E3-3A7F-39DD-9982-FB6BCDC2853C> /Users/mspanchenko/anaconda3/envs/cryptoNN_ml_core/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow-plugins/libmetal_plugin.dylib
Expected in: <2814A58E-D752-317B-8040-131217E2F9AA> /Users/mspanchenko/anaconda3/envs/cryptoNN_ml_core/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow/python/_pywrap_tensorflow_internal.so
Process finished with exit code 1