SafeAreaInsets Size for SwiftUI padding

i already used .padding(.top,[0]

but in swiftui 3 and iOS 15 i got this warning

'windows' was deprecated in iOS 15.0: Use on a relevant window scene instead

so in new version what is the best way for getting safe area insets?

i can't use GeometryRedaer

Accepted Reply

you can use it by adapting it to your need ;)

func getSafeAreaTop()->CGFloat{

		let keyWindow = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes

			.filter({$0.activationState == .foregroundActive})

			.map({$0 as? UIWindowScene})





		return (keyWindow?!

  • Thanks(:

  • I'm attempting to use this logic for the same issue on XCode 13 and iOS 15 but keyWindow is always nil so i'm getting the "Thread 1: Swift runtime failure: force unwrapped a nil value" error. I copied and pasted the code as is but no luck. Any assistance is appreciated!

  • @jbrobinson Sorry it's late. Someone might find this useful someday. replace return (keyWindow?! with return keyWindow? ?? 0 //the only difference in the original answer


you can use it by adapting it to your need ;)

func getSafeAreaTop()->CGFloat{

		let keyWindow = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes

			.filter({$0.activationState == .foregroundActive})

			.map({$0 as? UIWindowScene})





		return (keyWindow?!

  • Thanks(:

  • I'm attempting to use this logic for the same issue on XCode 13 and iOS 15 but keyWindow is always nil so i'm getting the "Thread 1: Swift runtime failure: force unwrapped a nil value" error. I copied and pasted the code as is but no luck. Any assistance is appreciated!

  • @jbrobinson Sorry it's late. Someone might find this useful someday. replace return (keyWindow?! with return keyWindow? ?? 0 //the only difference in the original answer