Can you perform two or more OFFLINE speech recognition tasks simultaneously?

Can you perform two or more OFFLINE speech recognition tasks simultaneously?

SFSpeechRecognizer, SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest offline limitation?

Running on macOS Big Sur 11.5.2

I would like to be perform two or more offline speech recognition tasks simultaneously.

I've executed two tasks in the same application AND executed two different applications, both using offline recognition.

Once I initiate the other thread or other application, the first recognition stops.

Since the computer supports multiple threads, I planned to take make use of the concurrency.

Use cases

#1 multiple Audio or video files that I wish to transcribe -- cuts down on the wait time.

#2 split a single large file up into multiple sections and stitch the results together -- again cuts down on the wait time.

I set on device recognition to TRUE because my target files can be up to two hours in length.

My test files are 15-30 minutes in length and I have a number of them, so recognition must be done on the device.

func recognizeFile_Compact(url:NSURL) {
let language = "en-US" //"en-GB"
let recognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer(locale: Locale.init(identifier: language))!
let recogRequest = SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest(url: url as URL)

recognizer.supportsOnDeviceRecognition = true // ensure the DEVICE does the work -- don't send to cloud
recognizer.defaultTaskHint = .dictation // give a hint as dictation
recogRequest.requiresOnDeviceRecognition = true // don
recogRequest.shouldReportPartialResults = false // we dont want partial results
var strCount = 0

let recogTask = recognizer.recognitionTask(with: recogRequest, resultHandler: { (result, error) in
guard let result = result else {
print("Recognition failed, \(error!)")

let text = result.bestTranscription.formattedString
strCount += 1
print(" #\(strCount), "Best: \(text) \n" )

if (result.isFinal) { print("WE ARE FINALIZED") }


@MinsterE, did you figure out if it's possible?