keypoints annotation for CreateML

Hello, I've tried to label keypoints of my data by labelme, VGG, Make Sense... etc. But their output of annotation json or csv file did not work for createML. Is there any other tool or conversion method ? By the way, I also did not find any demo format of keypoints json file. Does anyone know? Thanks!

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of Robers Down vote post of Robers


After looking around and wasting time for a solution to make the annotation.json for CreateML, I just went ahead and wrote a plugin for Photoshop (I've been trying to get it on the Plugin Marketplace, but there are too many hoops to jump through for a simple plugin). You can use the slice tool and the name feature to label your region, then just export. I recommend saving each file as a PSD since it retains the slice data. The tool will export as a PNG for you in the folder. Just open as many files as you want in the annotation.json file. Hope this helps! I don't really have a way to share it here, since Dropbox links and such do not work... So you will have to message me for it.