I’m keep looking around documentation and some sample codes but still haven’t found example of how was used this type of Network Regressor .
Does it take some special parameters to perform on ANE , what size,format of DataFrame ?
Create ML
RSS for tagCreate machine learning models for use in your app using Create ML.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
Keep getting error :
I have tried Picker for File, Photo Library , both same results .
Debugging the resize for 360x360 but still facing this error.
The model I'm trying to implement is created with CreateMLComponents
The process is from example of WWDC 2022 Banana Ripeness , I have used index for each .jpg .
Prediction Failed: The VNCoreMLTransform request failed
Is there some possible way to solve it or is error somewhere in training of model ?
I have rewatched WWDC22 a few times , but still not getting full understanding how to get .mlmodel model file type from components .
Example with banana ripeness is cool , but what need to be added to actually have output of .mlmodel , is somewhere full sample code for this type of modular project ?
Code is from [https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10019)
import CoreImage
import CreateMLComponents
struct ImageRegressor {
static let trainingDataURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "~/Desktop/bananas")
static let parametersURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "~/Desktop/parameters")
static func train() async throws -> some Transformer<CIImage, Float> {
let estimator = ImageFeaturePrint()
// File name example: banana-5.jpg
let data = try AnnotatedFiles(labeledByNamesAt: trainingDataURL, separator: "-", index: 1, type: .image)
.mapAnnotations({ Float($0)! })
let (training, validation) = data.randomSplit(by: 0.8)
let transformer = try await estimator.fitted(to: training, validateOn: validation)
try estimator.write(transformer, to: parametersURL)
return transformer
I have tried to run it in Mac OS command line type app, Swift-UI but most what I had as output was .pkg with
I have reinstalled everything including command line tools but the CreateML frameworks fail to install, I need the framework so that I can train my auto-categorzation model which predicts category based on descriptions. I need that framework because I want to use reviision 4.
please suggest advice on how do I proceed
While training a text classifier model with a few thousand samples completes in seconds, when using 100,000 or 1 million samples, CreateML's training time increases exponentially (to hours or days). During these hours/days, GPU usage is low and almost every CPU core is idle. When using the Swift APIs for model training, resource utilization does not increase. I'm using Xcode 16.2, macOS 15.2 on either an M2 Ultra 64 GB or an M3 Max 48 GB laptop (both using built-in SSD with ~500 GB free) running no other applications.
Is there a setting I've missed to allow training to take over more of my computing resources? Is this expected of CreateML (i.e., when looking to exploit a larger corpus, I should move to other tooling)? I'd love to speed up my iteration cycle time.
Machine Learning & AI
Create ML
I am working on a CoreML image classification model in Xcode, which takes a 299x299 image and attempts to classify hand-drawn sketches. The model was trained using Create ML and works perfectly when tested in the Create ML preview. However, when used in Xcode application, the classification results are incorrect.
I have already verified that the image is correctly resized to 299x299 pixels, matching the input size of the model. The classification always returns incorrect results, even when using images that were correctly classified during training. I originally used kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB, but I read that CoreML typically expects BGRA format. I updated my conversion function to use kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA and CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedLast, but the issue persists. This makes me suspect that either the pixel format is still incorrect or that something went wrong during the .mlmodelc compilation.
Machine Learning & AI
Create ML
In an App Playground Xcode project there is no Targets menu in the UI, When I try use the model, it says the model is not in scope. When I did it in a regular project it automatically generated a Swift Class and had no erorrs because it had a target but I see no place to add a target on an App playground.
I see the solution is simple "just change the language in the build settings" but the build settings are not a thing in an App Playground project. It also says duplicated tasks.
Hi all,
I'm working on an app to classify dog breeds via CoreML, but when I try training a model using Image Feature Print v2, I get the following error:
Failed to create CVPixelBufferPool. Width = 0, Height = 0, Format = 0x00000000
Strangely, when I switch back to Image Feature Print v1, the model trains perfectly fine. I've verified that there aren't any invalid or broken images in my dataset. Is there a fix for this? Thanks!
Machine Learning & AI
Create ML
I have a smallish image classifier I've been working on using the Create ML app. For a while everything was going fine, but lately, as the dataset has gotten larger, Create ML seems to stop during the testing phase with no error or test results.
You can see here that there is no score in the result box, even though there are testing started and completed messages:
No error message is shown in the Create ML app, but I do see these messages in the log:
default 14:25:36.529887-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService [0x6000012bc000] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=com.apple.coremedia.videodecoder
default 14:25:36.529978-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService [0x41c5d34c0] activating connection: mach=false listener=true peer=false name=(anonymous)
default 14:25:36.530004-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService [0x41c5d34c0] Channel could not return listener port.
default 14:25:36.530364-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService [0x429a88740] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true name=com.apple.xpc.anonymous.0x41c5d34c0.peer[1167].0x429a88740
default 14:25:36.534523-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService [0x6000012bc000] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
default 14:25:36.534537-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService [0x41c5d34c0] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
default 14:25:36.534544-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService [0x429a88740] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
error 14:25:36.558788-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService CreateWithURL:342: *** ERROR: err=24 (Too many open files) - could not open '<CFURL 0x60000079b540 [0x1fdd32240]>{string = file:///Users/kevin/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Binary%20Formations/Under%20My%20Roof/Core%20ML%20Training%20Data/Household%20Items/Output/2025.01.23_12.55.16/Test/Stove/Test480.webp, encoding = 134217984, base = (null)}'
default 14:25:36.559030-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService Error: <private>
default 14:25:36.559077-0500 MLRecipeExecutionService Error: <private>
Of particular interest is the "Too many open files" message from MLRecipeExecutionService referencing one of the test images.
There are a total of 2,555 test images, which I wouldn't think would be a very large set. The system doesn't seem to be running out of memory or anything like that.
Near the end of the test run there MLRecipeExecution service had 2934 file descriptors open according to lsof.
Has anyone else run into this or know of a workaround? So far I've tried rebooting and recreating the Create ML project.
Currently using Create ML Version 6.1 (150.3) on macOS 15.2 (24C101) running on a Mac Studio.
Machine Learning & AI
Create ML
Hey everyone, I am a beginner with developing and using Artificial Intelligence models.
How do I integrate my createML image classification with swift.
I already have have an ML model and I want to integrate it into a swiftUI app.
If anyone could help, that would be great.
Thank you, O3DP
I would like to make use of create ML to classify a motion. However, it seems it requires 2 classes at least to train or test it. What should I do as I only has 1 class (the target motion).
Also, how to interpret the 'Recall' and 'F1 Score'
Machine Learning & AI
Create ML
It appears that there is a size limit when training the Tabular Classification model in CreatML. When the training data is small, the training process completes smoothly after a specified period. However, as the data volume increases, the following issues occur: initially, the training process indicates that it is in progress, but after approximately 24 hours, it is automatically terminated after an hour. I am certain that this is not a manual termination by myself or others, but rather an automatic termination by the machine. This issue persists despite numerous attempts, and the only message displayed is “Training Canceled.” I would appreciate it if someone could explain the reason behind this behavior and provide a solution. Thank you for your assistance.
I am currently training a Tabular Classification model in CreatML. The dataset comprises 30 features, including 1,000,000 training data points and 1,000,000 verification data points. Could you please estimate the approximate training time for an M4Max MacBook Pro?
During the training process, CreatML has been displaying the “Processing” status, but there is no progress bar. I would like to ascertain whether the training is still ongoing, as I have often suspected that it has ceased.
Hi everyone,
I'm working on a SwiftUI app and need help building a view that integrates the device's camera and uses a pre-trained Core ML model for real-time object recognition. Here's what I want to achieve:
Open the device's camera from a SwiftUI view.
Capture frames from the camera feed and analyze them using a Create ML-trained Core ML model.
If a specific figure/object is recognized, automatically close the camera view and navigate to another screen in my app.
I'm looking for guidance on:
Setting up live camera capture in SwiftUI.
Using Core ML and Vision frameworks for real-time object recognition in this context.
Managing navigation between views when the recognition condition is met.
Any advice, code snippets, or examples would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I have images, and I annotated with polygon, actually simple trapezoid, so 4 points. I have been trying and trying but can't get Create ML to work. I am trying Object Detection. I am not a real programmer so really would greatly appreciate some guidance to help to get this model created. I think I made a Detectron2 model, and tried to get that converted into a mlmodel I need for xcode but had troubles there also. thank you.
"annotation": "IMG_1803.JPG",
"annotations": [
"label": "court",
"coordinates": {
"x": [
"y": [
Machine Learning & AI
Create ML
I'm using Numbers to build a spreadsheet that I'm exporting as a CSV. I then import this file into Create ML to train a word tagger model. Everything has been working fine for all the models I've trained so far, but now I'm coming across a use case that has been breaking the import process: commas within the training data. This is a case that none of Apple's examples show.
My project takes Navajo text that has been tokenized by syllables and labels the parts-of-speech.
Case that works...
Raw text:
Naaltsoos yídéeshtah.
Tokens column:
Naal,tsoos, ,yí,déesh,tah,.
Labels column:
Case that breaks...
Raw text:
óola, béésh łigaii, tłʼoh naadą́ą́ʼ, wáin, akʼah, dóó á,shįįh
Tokens column with tokenized text (commas quoted):
óo,la,",", ,béésh, ,łi,gaii,",", ,tłʼoh, ,naa,dą́ą́ʼ,",", ,wáin,",", ,a,kʼah,",", ,dóó, ,á,shįįh
(Create ML reports mismatched columns)
Tokens column with tokenized text (commas escaped):
óo,la,\,, ,béésh, ,łi,gaii,\,, ,tłʼoh, ,naa,dą́ą́ʼ,\,, ,wáin,\,, ,a,kʼah,\,, ,dóó, ,á,shįįh
(Create ML reports mismatched columns)
Tokens column with tokenized text (commas escape-quoted):
óo,la,\",\", ,béésh, ,łi,gaii,\",\", ,tłʼoh, ,naa,dą́ą́ʼ,\",\", ,wáin,\",\", ,a,kʼah,\",\", ,dóó, ,á,shįįh
(record not detected by Create ML)
Tokens column with tokenized text (commas escape-quoted):
óo,la,"","", ,béésh, ,łi,gaii,"","", ,tłʼoh, ,naa,dą́ą́ʼ,"","", ,wáin,"","", ,a,kʼah,"","", ,dóó, ,á,shįįh
(Create ML reports mismatched columns)
Labels column:
Sample From Spreadsheet
Solution Needed
It's simple enough to escape commas within CSV files, but the format needed by Create ML essentially combines entire CSV records into single columns, so I'm ending up needing a CSV record that contains a mixture of commas to use for parsing and ones to use as character literals. That's where this gets complicated.
For this particular use case (which seems like it would frequently arise when training a word tagger model), how should I properly escape a comma literal?
Machine Learning & AI
Create ML
Natural Language
Machine Learning
Create ML
In the 2019 WWDC session Training Object Detection Models
in Create ML a JSON file named:
was show alongside with the images folder named:
Dice Training Images Two Sets.
Are these resources made available for devs ?
I am looking to understand whether the 6000 annotations were needed to be done manually ?
Meaning, they have annotated around 1000 images making 6 labels on each manually to achieve this source ? Video shows around 1000 images.
Can someone please clarify.
Hello! I've been trying to run tensorflow on my MBA M3. I previously had an Intel Mac and was able to run tensorflow without any problem. I've been working on a personal project in a directory I made on my previous Mac, that I was running through Jupyter notebook. Now every time I try to run the code, the kernel will die and I'm unsure what to do.
I tried following tutorials, but every tutorial I've seen has made me create a new environment to access Jupyter Notebook, but not letting me access notebooks and files that have already been created.
I tried to run this following command in terminal and received the subsequent error back.
python -m pip install tensorflow-metal
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-metal (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow-metal
I've installed miniforge, Xcode, and anaconda onto my computer already and wanted some assistance.
Hi, I am trying to create a multi label image classifier model using CreateML (the one included in Xcode 16.1).
However, my annoations.json file won't get accepted by the app.
I get the following error: annotations.json file contains field "Index 0" that is not of type String
Here is a JSON example which results in said error:
"image": "image1.jpg",
"annotations": [
"label": "car-license-plate",
"coordinates": {
"x": 160, "y": 108, "width": 190, "height": 200
"image": "image2.jpg",
"annotations": [
"label": "car-license-plate",
"coordinates": {
"x": 250, "y": 150, "width": 100, "height": 98
Machine Learning & AI
Create ML