I am trying to implement an UITextField where user cannot use an emoji. I have used the below code to filter emojis.
0x1F600...0x1F64F, // Emoticons 8400...8447: // Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols 9100...9300, // Misc items 0x2600...0x26FF, // Misc symbols 0x2700...0x27BF, // Dingbats 0xFE00...0xFE0F, // Variation Selectors 0x1F018...0x1F270, // Various asian characters 0x1F300...0x1F5FF, // Misc Symbols and Pictographs 0x1F680...0x1F6FF, // Transport and Map 0x1F1E6...0x1F1FF, // Regional country flags 0x1F900...0x1F9FF, // Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs 65024...65039, // Variation selector
Found from here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/110059
But for three emojis
- Blueberry Emoji (U + 1FAD0)
- Bell Pepper Emoji (U + 1FAD1)
- Olive Emoji (U + 1FAD2)
This is going out of range of above code and user can enter these three emojis. How can I handle this situation?