iOS 15 crash on MDM-Devices: "exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 20.00 seconds"

Since iOS15 most of our Enterprise-Apps do not launch anymore on MDM-devices. All fine in latest iOS14.

Any idea why that happens? I guess it has something to do with the amount or size of included frameworks...maybe.

{"app_name":"FiNAS","timestamp":"2021-09-21 11:24:12.00 +0200","app_version":"","slice_uuid":"a120fe26-2550-3039-9355-c2852c57ccc4","build_version":"169","platform":2,"bundleID":"com.schnulli.FiNAS2.internal.iOS","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"309","os_version":"iPhone OS 15.0 (19A346)","incident_id":"8169FF8E-FEA9-48FC-8505-796AF63F2FFF","name":"FiNAS"}
  "uptime" : 2900,
  "procLaunch" : "2021-09-21 11:23:51.6173 +0200",
  "procRole" : "Foreground",
  "version" : 2,
  "userID" : 501,
  "deployVersion" : 210,
  "modelCode" : "iPad5,4",
  "procStartAbsTime" : 69957265064,
  "coalitionID" : 578,
  "osVersion" : {
    "isEmbedded" : true,
    "train" : "iPhone OS 15.0",
    "releaseType" : "User",
    "build" : "19A346"
  "captureTime" : "2021-09-21 11:24:12.1732 +0200",
  "incident" : "8169FF8E-FEA9-48FC-8505-796AF63F2FFF",
  "bug_type" : "309",
  "pid" : 474,
  "procExitAbsTime" : 70450601166,
  "cpuType" : "ARM-64",
  "procName" : "FiNAS",
  "procPath" : "\/private\/var\/containers\/Bundle\/Application\/BF8A332E-4567-416F-BA1C-716EDF28CC1C\/\/FiNAS",
  "bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleShortVersionString":"","CFBundleVersion":"169","CFBundleIdentifier":"com.schnulli.FiNAS2.internal.iOS","DTAppStoreToolsBuild":"12E507"},
  "storeInfo" : {"deviceIdentifierForVendor":"B04DD374-A3C4-4921-8701-C951615784FE","thirdParty":true},
  "parentProc" : "launchd",
  "parentPid" : 1,
  "coalitionName" : "com.schnulli.FiNAS2.internal.iOS",
  "crashReporterKey" : "4d203f3c26e70f0c9a5442f39df3402b663b7719",
  "basebandVersion" : "11.01.02",
  "isCorpse" : 1,
  "exception" : {"codes":"0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000","rawCodes":[0,0],"type":"EXC_CRASH","signal":"SIGKILL"},
  "termination" : {"flags":6,"code":2343432205,"namespace":"FRONTBOARD","reasons":["<RBSTerminateContext| domain:10 code:0x8BADF00D explanation:process-launch watchdog transgression: application<com.schnulli.FiNAS2.internal.iOS>:474 exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 20.00 seconds","ProcessVisibility: Foreground","ProcessState: Running","WatchdogEvent: process-launch","WatchdogVisibility: Foreground","WatchdogCPUStatistics: (","\"Elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 22.970 (user 22.970, system 0.000), 38% CPU\",","\"Elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 0.056, 0% CPU\"",") reportType:CrashLog maxTerminationResistance:Interactive>"]},
  "faultingThread" : 0,
  "threads" : [{"triggered":true,"id":25662,"threadState":{"x":[{"value":1},{"value":0},{"value":6159718480},{"value":6159718480},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":6159718064},{"value":6159718072},{"value":4},{"value":1},{"value":1},{"value":576460752303505408},{"value":81920},{"value":23434228096446320},{"value":92},{"value":1034064},{"value":0},{"value":6159718096},{"value":4309237856},{"value":520552456},{"value":3},{"value":6159719800},{"value":6159718176},{"value":0},{"value":6159719392},{"value":6159719640},{"value":1}],"flavor":"ARM_THREAD_STATE64","lr":{"value":4311487112},"cpsr":{"value":536870912},"fp":{"value":6159718048},"sp":{"value":6159718032},"esr":{"value":1442840704,"description":" Address size fault"},"pc":{"value":4311293032,"matchesCrashFrame":1},"far":{"value":4311859200}},"frames":[{"imageOffset":72808,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":266888,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":70936,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":137440,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":97984,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":150060,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":51988,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":21820,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":90204,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":59328,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":136252,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":21040,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":61668,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":135468,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":82764,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":43720,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":135016,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":60240,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":89268,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":210072,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":21040,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":38752,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":145524,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":103100,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":98672,"imageIndex":0}]}],
  "usedImages" : [
    "source" : "P",
    "arch" : "arm64",
    "base" : 4311220224,
    "size" : 344064,
    "uuid" : "d7a0282e-93de-3a1e-9813-27e84517cc96",
    "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/dyld",
    "name" : "dyld"
  "sharedCache" : {
  "base" : 6442926080,
  "size" : 2184413184,
  "uuid" : "8157e9d4-d94e-313e-8400-6216ea7efde8"
  "vmSummary" : "ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=2352K resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=2352K(100%)\nWritable regions: Total=2128K written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=2128K(100%)\n\n                                VIRTUAL   REGION \nREGION TYPE                        SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced) \n===========                     =======  ======= \nSTACK GUARD                         16K        1 \nStack                             1008K        1 \nVM_ALLOCATE                        1.0G        1 \nVM_ALLOCATE (reserved)              32K        2         reserved VM address space (unallocated)\n__DATA                             176K        3 \n__DATA_CONST                       112K        2 \n__LINKEDIT                         416K        3 \n__TEXT                            1952K        2 \ndyld private memory               1024K        1 \nmapped file                       9568K       22 \n===========                     =======  ======= \nTOTAL                              1.0G       38 \nTOTAL, minus reserved VM space     1.0G       38 \n",
  "legacyInfo" : {
  "threadTriggered" : {

  "trialInfo" : {
  "rollouts" : [

  "experiments" : [



The crash indicates that the watchdog timer in the OS killed the app. It seems unlikely that MDM is involved, since the watchdog timer is unrelated to MDM. I suggest having the developers of the apps investigate the crash. There's more information about the watchdog timer at

I am the developer of the app and there happens nothing in didFinishLaunching. Besides, if I deploy the .ipa directly to my device, all works fine (as well as in iOS14) And there was already kind of this problem in iOS14.2

  • I'm having a same crash in app store review, and cannot reproduce it. Have you solved it?

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We see similar issues. Is there any update that was provided? @SupaBasti; have you found the root cause / work around?

  • yes, I managed to work around on this. As I assumed, it had to do with the amount of included frameworks when included via cocoapods. I deintegrated all Pods and migrated to SwiftPackage Manager and now all works as expected.

  • But it doens't explain to me that this was not an issue on iOS14.x and now it (suddenly) is. Have you found out why?

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Well I am glad I ran across this as I have 3 Apps for 3 different products that all stopped working right after iOS 15. So I am in the same boat and the logs show the same error 309...? Be nice if someone had a resolution to this??

Regards, Frank/SensorMaestros

I have the same error type 309 on iOS 15.5 flutter application

  • hi @meridork hope you are good. im having this same issue on ios17. it worked perfectly well on ios 16. everytime it opens the camera the app forces close. flutter application too. im writing to you if in case you found the solution for this. thank you so much in advance.

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Same here, have you found any solution? @meridork

Same issue for me too when I use Python

  • There was a request for location permission in AppDelegate.swift and it was too much time. I removed it. I have permissions request in the main().

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Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process: Python [67070] Path: /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.13_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/Resources/ Identifier: org.python.python Version: 3.9.13 (3.9.13) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: Python [30660] Responsible: Terminal [2379] User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2022-07-14 17:28:39.1371 -0300 OS Version: macOS 12.4 (21F79) Report Version: 12 Bridge OS Version: 6.5 (19P5071) Anonymous UUID: 3B055BC6-FE99-253C-47DC-B017186B7257

Sleep/Wake UUID: 07E6C3A1-4D43-431C-BFB1-3F6D9AB98317

Time Awake Since Boot: 160000 seconds Time Since Wake: 21474 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Kernel Triage: VM - Fault hit memory shorta

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:

Thread 1:: */Reaper

Thread 2:: */0

Thread 3:

Thread 4:

Thread 5:: */Reaper

Thread 6:: */0

Thread 7:

Thread 8:

Thread 9:

Thread 10:

Thread 11:

Thread 12:

Thread 13:

Thread 14:

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):

Logical CPU: 0 Error Code: 0x02000148 Trap Number: 133

Binary Images:

External Modification Summary: Calls made by other processes targeting this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by all processes on this machine: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary: ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=821.9M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=821.9M(100%) Writable regions: Total=2.3G written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=2.3G(100%)

                            VIRTUAL   REGION 

REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) =========== ======= ======= Kernel Alloc Once 8K 1 MALLOC 508.1M 164 MALLOC guard page 16K 4 MALLOC_LARGE (reserved) 256K 1 reserved VM address space (unallocated) MALLOC_NANO (reserved) 384.0M 1 reserved VM address space (unallocated) ObjC additional data 15K 1 STACK GUARD 60K 15 Stack 116.1M 15 VM_ALLOCATE 183.8M 357 VM_ALLOCATE (reserved) 1.2G 3 reserved VM address space (unallocated) __DATA 13.1M 427 __DATA_CONST 7856K 232 __DATA_DIRTY 209K 50 __LINKEDIT 548.3M 285 __TEXT 273.6M 412 __UNICODE 592K 1 dyld private memory 1024K 1 shared memory 12K 2 =========== ======= ======= TOTAL 3.1G 1972 TOTAL, minus reserved VM space 1.6G 1972

Full Report

Model: MacBookPro15,4, BootROM 1731. (iBridge: 19.16.15071.0.0,0), 4 processors, Quad-Core Intel Core i5, 1.4 GHz, 8 GB, SMC Graphics: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645, Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645, Built-In Display: Color LCD, 2560 x 1600 Retina, Main, MirrorOff, Online Memory Module: BANK 0/ChannelA-DIMM0, 4 GB, LPDDR3, 2133 MHz, SK Hynix, H9CCNNNBJTALAR-NVD Memory Module: BANK 2/ChannelB-DIMM0, 4 GB, LPDDR3, 2133 MHz, SK Hynix, H9CCNNNBJTALAR-NVD AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_wifi (0x14E4, 0x870), wl0: Jul 16 2021 18:25:13 version 16.20.328. FWID 01-30be2b3a Bluetooth: Version (null), 0 services, 0 devices, 0 incoming serial ports Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0 USB Device: USB31Bus USB Device: T2Bus USB Device: Touch Bar Backlight USB Device: Touch Bar Display USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad USB Device: Headset USB Device: Ambient Light Sensor USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) USB Device: Apple T2 Controller Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 63.5