Xcode 13 vary for traits in interface builder missing.

I use Storyboard interface builder. currently I do not see the feature vary for traits for the different size classes where it normally is in the older Xcode.

That question was answered in another thread.


I confirm I could not find it either.

Did you file a bug report ?

I found this at last:

h t t p s : / / w w w.reddit.com/r/Xcode/comments/psowtu/vary_for_traits_in_xcode_13/

which shows how to add traits (pretty well hidden):

  • Trait Variations need to be enabled in the File Inspector tab
  • After that you can manually add traits by clicking the plus next to a property (it'll use the active size class but you can modify it while creating too)

I had some issue to find which +it was, I think it is this one:

Hope that helps.

The "+" button for the "installed" attribute checkbox will open the popup window for setting size classes on a constraint.

This is one of the worst design decisions I think Apple have made. Xcode is rapidly becoming the iTunes of IDEs. At minimum, give me the option of the previous version, and no matter what, draw some attention to this. I can't believe that my time is worth that little to the people who take 30% of my revenue.

To all who are still looking for a solution about missing vary for constraints button in Xcode 13, I have created a small YouTube tutorial to explain the way Variations for constraints work in latest Xcode 13.


I hope this will help you to adapt the layout based on different device sizes and the orientation modes. Don't forget to leave a comment on this video and share with others.

Thank you so much.

Xcode 13 vary for traits in interface builder missing.