Device Orientation Bug

I just created a new Xcode project, and only selected portrait orientation, but when I rotate my iPhone, it shows the landscape view as well. Any idea why?

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iPhone Version 15.0 | Xcode Version 13.0


I do not see anything on your screen that shows rotation. It looks like a uniform color screen. What am I missing ?

I did repeat the test on an app, with Xcode 13 and iOS 15 (simulator), it works correctly.

  • Don't you see the status bar going away when I rotate the phone? Try it on a device, not a simulator.

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I think it's a bug that GUI operations don't work. Currently it can be changed in Custom iOS Target Properties on the Info tab.

  • Thank you, that helped.

  • I had the same issue, and was editing the Info.plist file directly as described in:, but that didn't work, what did work is this answer, which ended up changing the file: project.pbxproj, not Info.plist. So now I'm confused as to what Info.plist is for.

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