App rejection due to login failure

Hello, My app was rejected because testers were unable to sign in to the test account. However, on my test devices, everything works well.

Therefore, I think that the problem is that their device is unable to receive a response from a server. I am using HTTP connection and socket connection.

I do not know what to do now, on my simulators and test devices everything works fine, but their tests keep failing.

Hey @ktanya1901,

Thanks for posting on the forum!

Is the App Review team able to provide you with any logs from the device in which you are testing on? If there was a network issue it would be fairly easy to find if they are able to provide you with logs even if the device they are using is not crashing.

When you say HTTP, are you really leveraging HTTP or did you mean HTTPS?

If you are using HTTP, do you have the exception for insecure web traffic in your Info.plist?

Hopefully this helps!

I am using HTTP connection and socket connection.

I’d like to clarify both of those points:

  • Like ChuckMN, I’m curious as to whether this is HTTP or HTTPS? Also, what API are you using for this?

  • With regards your “socket connection”, do you mean a “TCP connection”? If so, what API are you using to run this connection? And what’s the destination port number?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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App rejection due to login failure