Must the APNs token for a location-query notification be handled differently than a normal push token?

Hi, I've successfully requested the entitlement for with Apple.

After creating all relevant provisioning profiles, Push Services Key etc. and verifying that a visible push notification arrives to my physical device I'm stuck when trying to send a location push notification to wake up my Push Location Service extension.

I use Firebase FCM to trigger the Push Notification which returns me one of the two things:

  1. Success when I try to send a visible notification
  2. DeviceTokenNotForTopic (when I try to send a background notification)
  3. Invalid Argument - invalid registration token when I try to send a location push notification with the apn headers:
    • apns-push-type --> location
    • apns-topic --> <bundle-id-of-the-main-app>.location-query
    • apns-priority --> 10 (also tried with 5)

Is there anything missing to be able to send a location push-type notification?

Can I reproduce this without FCM in a easy way via command-line?



Currently, only token based authentication with APNS is supported. Are you using certificate based authentication?

I'm using token-based authentication - I've created a key on the Apple Developer portal and set this with Firebase and removed the old certificates from Firebase and the Apple Developer Account.

Okay - unfortunately for me - I've eliminated the Firebase component by sending the notification directly to APN via the command line (as described here)

This worked! Therefore the error must be with the Firebase SDK and my usage of it. Once I find a solution I will post it here for reference.

Out of curiosity I would still ask where to file bugs for APN in the future? I couldn't really find a suitable category in the Feedback Assistant?

  • Hello, I am facing a problem using the Token Authorization via Command Line. The APNS returns a success however the application Location Push Extension is never getting didReceiveLocationPushPayload. Do you have any clue why?

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