Service Unavailable Error on all CloudKit queries, HTTP 503, CloudKit error code 6

  • Please let me know if you find a solution. I am in the same situation. My app (which uses iCloud Drive) has been working work years but this problem has started affecting some of my users in the past few days.

  • I have the same issue with a relatively small percentage of my users. They are getting 503 errors now, but last year did not. My code hasn’t changed. I’m not even sure how to file a bug report because I cannot replicate the issue on my devices and it’s occurring on a relatively small percentage of my users.

  • Off topic: @cmonsour do you have a particular reason for storing user's uuid with every CKRecord in their own private database? Every record is going to have the same uuid

Apple Recommended

  • I still have this issue with my app: <CKError 0x2809e1920: "Service Unavailable" (6/2022); "Request failed with http status code 503"; uuid = X; Retry after 35.0 seconds>

  • Thanks Apple team, my problem is now resolved. Now I don't see these type errors.

  • Jason, can you help others with the same problem--seemingly a container-specific issue? Every query of this type is failing with this error: ["NSLocalizedDescription": Request failed with http status code 503, "CKErrorDescription": Request failed with http status code 503, "NSUnderlyingError": <CKError 0x600002f0c960: "Service Unavailable" (2022); "Request failed with http status code 503"; uuid = 46343816-0CFB-45AD-96B2-F145E3EBF291; Retry after 30.0 seconds>, "CKErrorShouldThrottleClient": 1, "NSDebugDescription": CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022, "RequestUUID": 46343816-0CFB-45AD-96B2-F145E3EBF291, "CKRetryAfter": 30]"


I have the same issue with a relatively small percentage of my users. They are getting 503 errors now, but last year did not. My code hasn’t changed. I’m not even sure how to file a bug report because I cannot replicate the issue on my devices and it’s occurring on a relatively small percentage of my users.

Edit: I apologize I was trying to comment on your post, not submit an answer.

  • We the same issue. Do you still have the problem?

  • A small percentage of my users still have the issue however I still can’t replicate on my devices.

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I had the similar issue. I have figured out that my app identifier has 2 iCloud containers attached with. I removed the iCloud container which was not in use.

Steps to edit iCloud container.

  1. Go to your developer account
  2. Certificates, IDs & Profiles
  3. Identifiers
  4. Select your app's identifier
  5. iCloud > Edit Container
  6. Choose the correct iCloud container

This did solve my problem. Hope it works for you too.

  • Worked for me. Thanks!

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We wrote Apple Support and Apple Engineering fixed the problem. It seems it was an issue on our iCloud database.

  • Hi @Swiss-Dev, how did you contact Support? I tried contacting Apple Developer Support with a "Development and Technical” question, but they told me to resubmit my issue using Feedback Assistant. Is that what you did? Thanks!

  • Same here: I was redirected to Feedback Assistant and they are ignoring the bug

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  • I still have this issue with my app: <CKError 0x2809e1920: "Service Unavailable" (6/2022); "Request failed with http status code 503"; uuid = X; Retry after 35.0 seconds>

  • Thanks Apple team, my problem is now resolved. Now I don't see these type errors.

  • Jason, can you help others with the same problem--seemingly a container-specific issue? Every query of this type is failing with this error: ["NSLocalizedDescription": Request failed with http status code 503, "CKErrorDescription": Request failed with http status code 503, "NSUnderlyingError": <CKError 0x600002f0c960: "Service Unavailable" (2022); "Request failed with http status code 503"; uuid = 46343816-0CFB-45AD-96B2-F145E3EBF291; Retry after 30.0 seconds>, "CKErrorShouldThrottleClient": 1, "NSDebugDescription": CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022, "RequestUUID": 46343816-0CFB-45AD-96B2-F145E3EBF291, "CKRetryAfter": 30]"