How to simulate mouse/finger click on iOS?

Is it possible to trigger finger/mouse click in iOS app?

Next question, is possible to call clicks from my app working in background to make some clicks in other apps/launcher?

I want to make remote screen app for my purposes.

Thanks in advance!


Is it possible to trigger finger/mouse click in iOS app?

Don't think it is possible to create the event directly. See this very old thread:

But you could try to:

  • find which object it at some coordinates
  • get the topmost (first to respond)
  • trigger the action: IBAction for a button for instance

is possible to call clicks from my app working in background to make some clicks in other apps/launcher?

I don't think neither, that would create a risk that an app does bad things on the iPhone

Thanks a lot, I will look into it, maybe it help.