M1 Pro - Xcode 13.2.1 still freeze with SPM and writing

Hello there

I have read every single report/workaround but nothing works to get ride of all the performance issues working daily with a brand new M1 Pro and the latest XCode version:

  • Every single project using SPM (large or small) hangs and freeze the system for up to 10-15 seconds everytime I open it or switch to a new branch.(preparing editor functionality, or whatever step can be anytime.)
  • The delay while typing is horrible, I can not keep even a slowest speed without waiting to see it in the screen.
  • SwiftUI: well… this could be a separate threat.

What I have try so far: every kind of cleanup, update, restore - turn off live issues - no external screens - fresh installs…

I am worried because we have had up to a couple of Xcode updates and this is far from being stable.

Did anyone found a working solution.


I've been getting the same thing since Xcode 13.0 (currently on Xcode 13.4.1).

I had assumed my machine was just too slow, so was really disappointed when I recently upgraded to a nice new M1 Pro, but still getting big hangs (30 secs - 5 mins) whenever I:

  • open the project in Xcode
  • edit my Packages.swift file
  • change branches.

It seems to be the same even with/without launching with Rosetta enabled.

One thing that helps is to disable the indexing in Xcode as described here : https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/690573

Disabling the indexing at least seems to alleviate the slow delayed typing thing, but not the long freezes described above. So at least it makes regular code editing more bearable - but its still a massive handicap as you have to live without things like auto-completions, and the Test pane doesn't work either.