Kernel Died Importing Keras on Mac M1


I am trying to import keras as followed on my Mac M1 running on MacOS 11.6 but the kernel died during the process.

from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense

The error message in the terminal: [I 15:44:39.003 NotebookApp] Kernel started: e0bec9a2-cde8-42ed-be9d-747ea2841818, name: python3

2022-01-27 15:44:43.203092: F tensorflow/c/] Non-OK-status: tensorflow::RegisterPluggableDevicePlugin(lib_handle->lib_handle) status: FAILED_PRECONDITION: 'host_callback' field in SP_StreamExecutor must be set.

Not sure if it's related, I have read the documentation on and the OS requirement is MacOS 12.0+.

Is there anyway to solve this issue on my current OS?

  • I would effectively recommend tu upgrade to 12.6.3 (or even 13.2).

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Hi @Zen26, we recommend you to update to latest MacOS Monterey OS version.

  • Still the same thing even I update to latest one

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