bluetooth hid service not auto connect

There is a Bluetooth device that simulates a mouse, and the bluetooth connection parameters of the device meet the requirements of Apple. The HID service can make iPhone automatically connect when it is close to the device. At present, there is a problem, that is, after a period of time, iPhone HID will not automatically connect, but Android phone is normal. What kind of problem is causing this?

I have the same problem,log: 19:13:29.757599+0800 bluetoothd Device disconnecting - {cbuuid: DF7895A8-7F55-C685-AA50-70A74FAADFA6, ledisconnectionreason: Cancelling Unused} 19:13:29.757833+0800 bluetoothd Device "DF7895A8-7F55-C685-AA50-70A74FAADFA6" does not require low latency 19:13:29.757910+0800 bluetoothd "Disconnecting" pending device "DF7895A8-7F55-C685-AA50-70A74FAADFA6" 19:13:29.758387+0800 bluetoothd Adding "DF7895A8-7F55-C685-AA50-70A74FAADFA6" to RemoveFromWhitelist list 19:13:29.763533+0800 bluetoothd trying to remove "DF7895A8-7F55-C685-AA50-70A74FAADFA6" from connecting list“

bluetooth hid service not auto connect