Reusing the same key across multiple users on a device

According to documentation, the guideline is as follows -

"Don’t reuse a key among multiple users on a device because this weakens security protections. In particular, it becomes hard to detect an attack that uses a single compromised device to serve multiple remote users running a compromised version of your app."

This can be addressed if we keep a tally of how many users have used the same key pair? If we see a single key pair in use across say 500 users, it's clearly an instance of compromised device.

Are there other security reasons why binding a key to device + user is the recommended practice?


You can probably generate a symmetric key remotely based on specific user data, store it in the keychain and if the key has been tampered with don't serve anymore data.

  • Sorry I don't follow your answer. Can you please elaborate? My question is related to security rationale behind the recommendation.

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