Transfer EventKit Data from iOS to watchOS

Hi there,

I am trying to transfer EventKit Data like EKCalendars / EKEvents / EKReminder from iOS to watchOS via WatchConnectivity.

The connection works but I cannot push these objects directly in response. I also cannot use NSKeyedArchiver since EKCalendars (example) are not able to get converted to Data.

So, any Idea how I can transfer simple EventKit Data from iOS to watchOS?

An addtional hint: I am already fetching these data within watchOS (so no solution) but if the device has an MDM profile it cannot fetch anything but the holiday calendar so I just wanted to test if the iPhone can fetch more (since the MDM profile is stored on iPhone, not on watch) but I can't transfer these data trough WatchConnectivity.

Any hints would be nice – cannot be as hard as I think.
