Getting user library data after Xcode authorization

So I am trying to access my Heavy Rotation content using this command from the Apple Music API website: wget

I made sure to change "me" to my username on Apple Music and I ran this command from my Terminal. It is connecting to the Apple Music API but it is saying that the request is unauthorized. I was surprised by this because I have already granted access on my device after requestAuthorization ran once (after authorization it does not ask again). So why is it saying that the request is unauthorized? Do I need to use my developer token somewhere? Thanks.

(base) MacBook-Pro-210:soundtrack nalinkrishnan$ wget

--2022-05-02 12:04:18--

Resolving ( 2001:559:19:608b::2a1, 2001:559:19:6099::2a1, 2001:559:19:6080::2a1, ...

Connecting to (|2001:559:19:608b::2a1|:443... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized

Username/Password Authentication Failed.