How to get the dSYM for frameworks?

I can able to get the dSYM file for my app only. But I need dSYM file for frameworks too. How to get the dSYM file for frameworks? IS there any option in XCode to generate dSYM file for Frameworks? Please, this is so important.

Thanks in advance....

Accepted Reply

If you are building the framework as a dependency of your app target, the dSYMs for the framework will be present in the archive you create when archiving the app for distribution. If you are using a framework provided by a vendor that is already compiled, you will need to contact the framework vendor about the dSYMs.


If you are building the framework as a dependency of your app target, the dSYMs for the framework will be present in the archive you create when archiving the app for distribution. If you are using a framework provided by a vendor that is already compiled, you will need to contact the framework vendor about the dSYMs.


I have a dynamic framework that I precompiled before.
I use this framework in project.

How could I extract its debug symbols?

In archive I could find these symbols, but they are not named as these that could help me.
They are not named as UUIDS.

As I understand bitcode technology, its symbols (framework symbols) should be shipped with result application binary.

Is it correct?
How could I copy them into result application archive folder without any issues?