Xcode 14: Simulator Disappeared After Crash

Testing my app in an iOS 15.5 simulator with Xcode 14 beta, it crashed hard, locking up my entire laptop. After restarting, it seems that the iOS 15.5 simulator runtime disappeared, and I'm now getting the following error:

The com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-15-5 simulator runtime is not available.

runtime profile not found

Download the com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-15-5 simulator runtime from the Components section in Xcode's Preferences.

Unfortunately, Xcode seems to think that I already have the runtime, and no longer gives me the option to download it.

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Your Xcode configuration may be damaged, and it may be hard to fix.

Could you reinstall Xcode 14ß, or just wait for the next ß ? It may not be too long.

  • My Xcode config is definitely damaged. Unfortunately reinstalling it doesn't help, as the problem seems to be in the user configuration outside the install.

    I deleted the "xcode-beta" application, and installed a new one from the Xcode_14_beta.xip. But when I started the new install up, it listed iOS 15.5. versions of all the simulator target devices, and didn't offer the option to download iOS 15.5.

    So, the question is: what user data needs to be deleted for the full uninstall?

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I've had nothing but issues with Xcode 14 (first beta and now even the second one). I no longer have it installed. After installing and launching it, it renders Xcode 13.4.1 (presumably any 13.x version) unstable (crashes, unexpected behavior at runtime, hot keys no longer working in the simulator).

I've traced it down to something with /Library/Developer that gets messed up. After uninstalling Xcode 14, I delete that folder, then manually launch and instal from Xcode 13.4.1, Xcode.app/Contents/Resources/Packages/XcodeSystemResources.pkg

Update: the problem persists in Xcode 14 beta 2. As shown below, Xcodes Platform Download, doesn't show iOS 15.5 as an option to download, and it doesn't show it as being installed

Prior to upgrading to beta 2, I deleted both the original Xcode and the first beta, as well all the Xcode config files I could find online including:

  • /Applications/Xcode-beta.app
  • ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode
  • ~/Library/Developer
  • ~/Library/MobileDevice
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dt.xcodebuild.plist
  • /Library/Preferences/com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist
  • /System/Library/Receipts/com.apple.pkg.XcodeExtensionSupport.bom
  • /System/Library/Receipts/com.apple.pkg.XcodeExtensionSupport.plist
  • /System/Library/Receipts/com.apple.pkg.XcodeSystemResources.bom
  • /System/Library/Receipts/com.apple.pkg.XcodeSystemResources.plist
  • /private/var/db/receipts/com.apple.pkg.Xcode.bom
  • I also have the same problem with xcode 14 when starting the simulator, not even the apple appears, just a black screen, I've been trying to solve my problem for more than 48 hours and I can't find any solution

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