When CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR is set .dSYM is missing from archive


We have a problem creating an archive with xcodebuild if CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR is set. With this paramater set .dSYM is generated into the CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR folder and not in the .xcarchive. I've tried a different combination of parameters but nothing seems to work with the current project settings.

Does anyone have a solution for this issue?

Thanks in advance!



Having the same issue. Did you ever resolve it?

Just ran into this myself.

Same to me.

Have you managed to solve the issue?

The default value of DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH is $(CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR), so changing that will also change where the dSYMs get output to. Normally, during an archive build, CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR is set as some ArchiveIntermediates path, and I guess files from there get copied to the .xcarchive at some point.

Changing SYMROOT can also affect DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH.

If you must override either of those, you may need to manually copy the *.dSYM folders from your CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR to the .xcarchive/dSYMS/ folder, or set DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH to the desired output location.

When CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR is set .dSYM is missing from archive