Sudden 401 Bad request response from WeatherKit REST API

Based on other posts in the forum I've been authenticating to the WeatherKit REST API like so for a few weeks now:


 const privateKey = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
// redacted
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`
    const teamId = 'myteamid'
    const serviceId = 'myserviceid'
    const keyId = 'keyed'
    const appId = 'appid'
    const jwt = jsonwebtoken.sign({}, privateKey, {
      jwtid: `${teamId}.${appId}`,
      issuer: teamId,
      expiresIn: '1h',
      subject: appId,
      header: {
        alg: 'ES256',
        kid: keyId,
        id: `${teamId}.${appId}`,
    // Get coordinates from parameters
    const latitude = request.params.latitude 
    const longitude = request.params.longitude
    // Get current weather from WeatherKit
    const { data } = await axios.get(`${latitude}/${longitude}?dataSets=${dataSets}&timezone=US/Eastern&countryCode=us`, {
      headers: {
        "Authorization": `Bearer ${jwt}`

A few hours ago, I began seeing all requests return:

[AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401] {
  code: 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST',

I'm wondering if something changed about the format. I do recognize the docs may show some keys of different names for example subject being sub, however I've never gotten this to work with what the docs show and only found from forum posts that this format works.

I tried following the current docs just now as well in case anything had changed, changing the jwt construction to look like so:

    const iat = new Date().getTime()
    // Add 1hr to iat in ms
    const exp = iat + 3600000
    const jwt = jsonwebtoken.sign({}, privateKey, {
      jwtid: `${teamId}.${appId}`,
      subject: appId,
      header: {
        alg: 'ES256',
        kid: keyId,
        id: `${teamId}.${appId}`,
        iss: teamId,
Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of mikeflores Down vote post of mikeflores


I'm noticing similar issues here with code that hasn't changed on my end. It broke at around 13:25 PT for me. Stuck ever since.

Same here. My code has been working for weeks and stopped late yesterday. Any luck getting it working?

It also broke for me. Tried many variants to get it to work again, and it still isn't back to working.

yepppppppp. same.

Thank you for reporting this issue. We detected the cause and an update was pushed at 12:30pm PT to resolve this error. New requests should now return the expected response.

Hi all,

Can you retry your requests and see whether you are still having authentication issues?

  • Works again for me. Thank you!

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It works again! Thanks.

Can also confirm this now works again. Thank you for the help!