Getting WeatherKit error WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorService.Errors

I am looking into the possibility of adding WeatherKit support to one of my apps. I have added the WeatherKit capability to my app and can see it up in the App ID configuration, the bundle ID is marked as explicit.

I waited overnight just in case, but I keep just getting the following error when I run on a real device:

Error Domain=WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorService.Errors Code=1 "(null)"

This app has been in the store for years, so I know the rest of the configuration should be fine. What am I missing?

Answered by hotngui in 724287022

Ok, multiple problems:

  1. AppID issues, resolved by Apple
  2. Needed to update add WeatherKit to Capability and App Services in Identifiers up on App Store website
  3. Needed to install updated provisioning profiles (debug and release)

Now I am able to get responses from the API!!!!

I have the same issue.

[WeatherService] Encountered an error when fetching weather data subset; location=<+37.32299800,-122.03218100> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 27.07.22, 15:23:08 Central European Summer Time,  error=Error Domain=WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorService.Errors Code=1 "(null)"
Error Domain=WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorService.Errors Code=1 "(null)"

I'm getting the similar error on the iOS simulator, both with beta 3 and beta 4. Similar thread here:

In my case, the error code is 0:

[WeatherService] Encountered an error when fetching weather data subset; location=<+41.16107900,-104.80545000> +/- 5.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 7/27/22, 1:38:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time,  error=Error Domain=WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorServiceListener.Errors Code=0 "(null)"

Not sure if you're having any other targets that use the WeatherKit data, but did you make sure you've enabled WeatherKit in Capabilities in your project and the App Services tap in the developer portal for all targets?

Because I was fighting this issue for a while and then realized I didn't enable it for my widget Bundle ID in the developer portal, haha

I checked that and it's not the issue. There is a issue where I have different "App ID Prefix" values between my main app and extensions caused by the age of my developer account. Apparently in the olden days the App ID Prefix was not the Team ID. I have contacted Apple and they are looking into fixing the issues (as per an old Tech Note).

Accepted Answer

Ok, multiple problems:

  1. AppID issues, resolved by Apple
  2. Needed to update add WeatherKit to Capability and App Services in Identifiers up on App Store website
  3. Needed to install updated provisioning profiles (debug and release)

Now I am able to get responses from the API!!!!

I hope it's not too late to jump on this thread. I'm having a similar issue (except RC=0). I'm macOS, not iOS.

In Xcode I have WeatherKit included in Signing and Capabilities:

In my developer account,, I have WeatherKit listed.

The one thing I notice, my account key is listed as 7**... whereas in Xcode my signing certificate is listed as 4V7...

The code runs fine in Xcode. However when I move to a Mac does is not registered as a developer machine, I get the error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorServiceListener.Errors error 0.)

I am building via a shell script using the 7** account: xcrun notarytool store-credentials --apple-id "..." --team-id "7**..." --password "..." notary-scriptingosx


Getting WeatherKit error WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorService.Errors