Cannot play AppleMusic(Android)

I'm trying to play an audio file in AndroidMusicKit sample(sdk-test-app). However, the following songs cannot be played. These songs are registered as an AppleMusic library. Songs that cannot be played remain buffered.

What should I change to make it playable?

Cannot play

{  "id" : "269419385",  "title" : "LULU",  "subtitle" : "ZHIVAGO",  "description" : "JUDE",  "browseable" : false,  "playable" : true,  "iconUri" :,  "type" : "song" }

Can play

{  "id" : "269417838",  "title" : "**** DEE",  "subtitle" : "ZHIVAGO",  "description" : "JUDE",  "browseable" : false,  "playable" : true,  "iconUri" :,  "type" : "song" }


Android SDK and sample :

The attachment(subscription_content.json) should bre replaced with the follwing
